Podcasts for Continuing Education

Podcasts for Continuing Education

Listening to a podcast and completing the quiz can satisfy Wildlife Rehabilitation Continuing Education requirement.

When you have finished listening to the podcast and completed the quiz, please notify the Hospital Volunteer Manager (hospitalshifts@lindsaywildlife.org) to receive Continuing Education credit.

If the podcasts does not have a quiz associated with it, you may satisfy 2.0 hours of Wildlife Rehabilitation Continuing Education requirement by listening to the podcast and creating a list of 5 questions (with timestamps) that I can use to create a quiz. Please email jyim@lindsaywildlife.org if you are interested in this option.

Please email in order to receive credit!!!

"Wildlife Rehabilitation: Rescue to Release" is a podcast dedicated to licensed wildlife rehabilitators and the veterinarians that support them. 

"This Podcast Will Kill You" is a fantastic podcast that explores the biology of diseases, history, epidemiology, and the disease's effect on the modern world in a very accessible and engaging manner.

Grad students studying disease ecology, Erin and Erin found themselves disenchanted with the insular world of academia. They wanted a way to share their love of epidemics and weird medical mysteries with the world, not just colleagues.

I found their style of presenting very educational, memorable and engaging and I wanted to share them with you and also offer an opportunity for continuing education credit for the podcasts that relate to diseases in wildlife. -Jean

Snake Talk is an hour long, interview style podcast hosted by our Chief Executive Officer, Chris Jenkins.  The podcast is designed to cover a variety of topics around snakes and to appeal to a broad audience.  One of the primary goals is to provide knowledge that will help make snakes part of the conversation and ultimately improve the negative public view of these animals.