Hello Parents!

Our mission is to raise the next generation of Christian leaders through Godly character, academic excellence, and extracurricular activities. 

Important Announcements

Upcoming Events:

Contact Us

Mrs. Lisa Nation - Lnation@lincolnchristianschool.com

Mrs. Kristen Slay - kslay@lincolnchristianschool.com 

Ms. Faith Brown - fbrown@lincolnchristianschool.com


Please email your child's teacher, as well as the office, if your child will be absent.  If your child will be arriving late, please email your child's teacher to let her know if a school lunch needs to be ordered.


Birthday Treats

We welcome you to provide store-bought treats for the class to celebrate your child's birthday at school.  Please communicate with the teacher prior to sending treats to school.  It is helpful to send any paper products needed with your birthday treat.