Parent Information

The 7 Habits of a Positive Parent - Big Life Journal.pdf

The 8 L’s of Parenting

By Leah Davies, M.Ed.

1. LOVE your child. For your child to be successful, he or she must feel valued. Your gentle touches, smiles, and hugs communicate love.

2. LOOK for the good in your child and make specific comments on what he or she does well. You must believe in your child's worth before he or she can believe it.

3. LISTEN, without judgment, to your child express his or her thoughts and feelings. If you do not listen, your child may attempt to gain your attention by misbehaving.

4. LAUGH with your child, not at him or her. Laugh and play together.

5. LABOR diligently and with pride so that your child will want to work hard, and do his or her best.

6. LEARN new information. Take the time to read and thus instill a love of learning.

7. LEAVE the television and other media off.

8. LIVE life to its fullest. Take pleasure in little things.

The 7 Habits of a Positive Parent - Big Life Journal.pdf

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