High School

Welcome to High School GT!

Students in high school GT meet with the GT coordinator once a month to extend their creativity and meet their affective needs.

What Parents Can Do to Support the Socio-Emotional Needs of Gifted Learners

  • Gifted students have a need to be involved in and pursue their passions/interests, but they also need time to reflect and ponder for no particular reason. Parents can better support their students with some of the following tips:
    Understand and appreciate what giftedness is and how these children are different and similar to others.

  • Assist to develop clear and explicit expectations and support the setting/writing of realistic goals and review bi-

  • Remember that gifted children‘s emotional and social developmental stages may not match their intellectual

  • Encourage and praise their efforts often. Many times they feel no one values what they do.

  • Encourage extra-curricular activities in or out of school (opportunities to be well-rounded and to engage with
    students in their school setting that may not be in their classes).

  • Volunteer in community service activities to support awareness of global issues, but also to develop their social
    skills, working with others who may not be on their learning level.

  • Remind them that their contributions are noble and needed to support understanding world problems.

  • Listen to their concerns without trying to fix them.

  • Help them learn to navigate socially with diverse groups.

  • Teach/model how to say “no” to avoid being overwhelmed by taking on too much.

  • Help them to understand they won‘t be perfect and that mistakes are a part of learning.

  • Teach students how to advocate for themselves. Students need to be able to articulate their needs/goals for
    themselves by the time they’re in middle school.

  • Help/encourage positive relationships between student and teacher.

  • Create opportunities for success (at school and home).