Our Town

Our Town Cast List

Cast Meeting and read-through Wednesday after school in the DMT. Cast photos will be taken at this time.

Stage Manager…………………………....Kailey Albus

Dr. Gibbs…………………………..............Pierce Docherty

Joe Crowell…………………………..........Bryce Piccolo

Howie Newsome…………………………..Jose Ibarrondo

Mrs. Gibbs…………………………............Mary Clayton

Mrs. Webb…………………………............Sylvia Kollasch

George Gibbs………………………….......Cole Joseph

Rebecca Gibbs………………………….....Amelia Myers

Wally Webb…………………………..........Ricky Marchant

Emily Webb…………………………..........Anna Randall

Professor Willard………………………….Maddie Taylor

Mr. Webb………………………….............Hunter Hallas

Woman in Balcony/Baseball Player…….Bridget Seymour

Lady in the Box/Baseball Player………...Rina Biancalana

Simon Stimson…………………………....JP Best

Mrs. Soames………………………….......Grace Benson

Constable Warren………………………...Brad Norkus

Si Crowell/Baseball Player……………….Cole Koefelda

Sam Craig…………………………............Savannah Lucas

Joe Stoddard ………………………….......Grant Huebner

Woman Among the Dead………………...Ruby Stockton

Woman Among the Dead (Mrs. Carter) ......... Grace Gaston