National Board

*The following information only pertains to my 6th grade Careers in Technology classes, as that is the course I will be assessed on.

Dear Parent/Guardian:

This year I will be completing my application for National Board certification. The strenuous process to earn this distinguished certification requires that I submit evidence of my teaching and its impact on student performance. As a result, I need your permission to include your student's work, face, voice, and name in my submissions. If you are not comfortable with me sharing this information, please let me know in your responses. I will be assessing student growth based on their work, and I will also have to submit videos of our class for evidence of my teaching. Please read the following letters/permission forms, fill them out, and submit them in order to assist me in bettering my professional performance.

All the best,

Mrs. Michelle Isenhower

Permission form #1: National Board Student Release Form

Permission form #2: Mrs. I's COVID-19 Allowance Release

Please sign both forms.

More information about the National Board for Professional Teaching Standards can be found at