Step 3 (optional):

Request AP and Honors Courses

It is not required, but if you would like to take an Advanced Placement (AP) or Honors class in Math or Science,  email the department head and let them know. They will let you know the next steps.  

9th graders - you can request Honors Science. Email Mr. Hobbs 

10th graders - you can request one (or more) of these AP or Honors classes:

AP Science - Email Mr. Hobbs

AP Social Studies - Email Dr. Dunne 

11th graders - you can request one (or more) of these AP or Honors classes:

AP Science - Email Mr. Hobbs

AP Social Studies - Email Dr. Dunne 

12th graders - you can request one (or both) of these AP classes:

AP Science - Email Mr. Hobbs

AP Social Studies - Email Dr. Dunne 

Now go to Step 4 - How to Request Music Classes.