Frequently Asked Questions

You probably have many more questions - look through the ones that we hear most often, and if you don't get the information you need, ask your transfer peer mentor or your counselor.

How do I know what building my classes are in?

Q: Is it super easy to get lost?

A: LHS is a big school and has 4 different buildings so it can feel confusing. It won't take you long to find your way around! Check out this virtual tour - there is also a map there. It only takes a day or two to get to know where everything is.

There are 4 buildings, they are labeled outside, and they are grouped (for the most part) by subject area. Check out this list of room numbers and the buildings they are in:

100 (first floor) and 200 (second floor) - Arts and Humanities building

{The Gym, Commons, Auditorium, Nurse's Office, Library, Registrar, and the Main Office are also in this building.}

300 (1st floor) and 400 (2nd floor) - Science

500 (1st floor) and 600 (2nd floor) - World languages

700 (1st floor) and 800 (2nd floor) - Math

The deans offices, counseling offices (or pods) and special education resource rooms are located throughout all four buildings.

Q: How much passing time will there be? Is it hard to get from building to building on time?

A: Passing time varies from year to year, but typically you will have 5-10 minutes built in for passing time. It's most difficult to get from one end of campus to the other. The good news is teachers understand what it's like and many teachers in the math building, in particular, will give you an extra minute or two since it is so far out on campus!

Schedules and classes

Q: Is it easy to understand the schedule?

A: The schedule takes some time to get used to, but we provide support to help you to understand it your very first day and throughout the transition. Teachers post schedules in places that are easily accessible and throughout campus and you can always ask for help!

Click here for instructions on how to retrieve your schedule

Q: What is I-Block used for and how does it work?

A: I Block is for enrichment, extra help or general work completion. Some students meet regularly with their teachers during I Block. Others may choose to work in small groups on an assignment. Sometimes clubs or other activities meet during I Block.

Check out this video about I Block from one of our upperclassmen

Q: How much homework will be given? How demanding is the homework and how long does it take? How do you balance your schedule?

A: Homework amounts depend on the course. We strongly encourage students to work with their counselors and other trusted adults to reflect on the time commitments of courses and extracurriculars when making decisions around courses. Being mindful of these time commitments and how they fit into a day in which one needs at least 8 hours of sleep and time for meals and down-time is important.

Q: How do classes work?

A: Objectives and agendas for the classes are posted. Teachers use a variety of instructional strategies to support student learning. You'll see small classes and bigger classes. There will be lots of student-centered work where teachers are asking students to work together to solve problems.


Q: How long is lunch, and how many different lunches are there?

A: Lunch is usually 30 minutes, and there are typically 3-4 lunches depending on the school year.

Q: What kind of food do you have?

A: There is a big fan club for the quesadillas and burritos. The guacamole is truly outstanding! There are lots of options daily - hot food, pizza, salad bar, the grill and more. We think you will really like the options. There are also items out in the morning for breakfast including oatmeal, hot chocolate, muffins and fruit. Finally, there is a grab 'n go section in the commons where you can swing by to pick up a snack!


Q: Will there be any information about athletics and sport team try-outs?

A: Ms. Martin, the Athletic Director, is in the Athletics Office near the gym can answer any questions about athletics. You can also find information about athletics on the high school website (LHS Athletics).

Q: Since school ends at 3:10, when do after school sports practices end?

A: Each team has practices and games at various times. The best resource will be the Athletics office. Check it out! Coaches will have ways of communicating with you directly as well.

Dealing with stress

Q: What should I do if I am feeling stressed or overwhelmed?

A: In addition, counselors are a great resource to help students who are stressed. We strongly suggest finding an adult at school you can connect with. We have also been working with students on mindfulness strategies and finding balance in their course selection and activities. Here is the Counseling Department website. Take a look!

Also, check out this video of one of our upperclassmen with great ideas for how to use I Block to reduce stress. this includes a reference to the rock room, which is no longer open.

Q: How much academic pressure/ stress is there?

A: There is academic stress. The goal is to manage it and to determine how much of it is the right amount for you. Some level of stress is good, otherwise students will underperform. On the other hand, too much stress is not good. We're always working on finding the right balance, both students and adults at LHS. Talk to your parent/guardian or pediatrician if you are experiencing high levels of stress.


Q: How I do get the Chromebook that is assigned to me? What if I need technical assistance?

A: Once you are registered, the tech office gets an email and will assign you a Chromebook that you will keep until you graduate. Stop by the tech office in 163 in the main building to pick up your Chromebook. You can only sign in with your school account, once you have been fully registered. If you have any problems with your Chromebook or have technology questions, stop by 163 and someone will help you. You can also find help and resources on the LHS Student Tech Resources site.