Ms. Shea's
World History Class
This site provides information about Ms. Shea's 9th grade World History class at Lexington High School. Detailed information about assignments is posted on Google Classroom. Here you can find due dates and overviews of each unit, as well as resources that may be helpful throughout the year.
I will update the site to provide additional support as the year goes on.
Grades are posted on Aspen and updated regularly. For clarification about grading categories, click here.
World History I
This course focuses on diverse societies before 1600, including empires in India and China, the Mongolian Empire that stretched across Eurasia, the Roman and Islamic Empires of the Mediterranean and Middle East, African Empires in West Africa and along the Swahili Coast, the European Middle Ages and Renaissance. We will also look at how societies from these geographical regions interacted in the Early Modern Era. By examining the ways leadership, trade, innovation, religion and philosophy impacted ancient and medieval societies, we will make connections to how those historical forces impact the present while also learning how to use historical evidence to support our point of view.