Lexington High School Math Department

Department Head: Kevin Kelly, kkelly at lexingtonma.orgAdministrative Assistant: Butterfly Castañeda, bcastaneda at lexingtonma.orgOffice: LHS Math Building, room 711

Find your math teacher's site:

Abreu, Anderson, Bodine, Bond, Brunner, Chung, Collins, Cordero, Daniels, Doucette, Gable, Goldberg, Gormisky, Grande, Harris, Kelly, Klein, Knecht, Kocer, LeBlanc, Newberg, Ng, Novack, Pendergast, Pfrommer, Richardson, Ringer, Scheltz, Sheppard-Brick, Skowronek, Tracy, Unger, Verner, Virgin, Wall, West.

Website phase-out

This site has being phased out, replaced by https://www.lexingtonma.org/lhsmathematics

For curriculum information and for placement review forms, see the Mathematics section of the LHS Program of Studies.