Gender and Sexuality Alliance

Gender and Sexuality Alliance

A support, education, advocacy, and discussion group for LHS students and adults concerned about issues impacting queer people, their families and their allies.

Meetings will include: Education (Queer history & theory)

Discussion (What is internalized homophobia? What is compulsory heterosexuality? How do they impact us? etc.)

Advocacy (Letter writing, phonebanking)

Event planning (Halloween mixer/queer prom, National Coming Out Day, and more)

Just hanging out with other queer people and their allies 🙂

Closeted folk, questioning folk, and all allies are welcome here. Join our email list to find out what the next meeting will focus on!

Google form link to sign up for emails:

Your privacy is important. Each meeting will begin with confidentiality norms, so you don’t have to worry about getting outed. Our email list is also kept private.