
Term 1

Exploring the English Alphabet

We are looking at different English alphabet charts and discussing their similarities and differences. We are noticing shapes of upper and lowercase letters, hearing letter sounds, and thinking about the pictures that go along with our letters.

Connecting to Reader's Workshop

We are also connecting our ELL lessons to the lessons your child is learning during Reading Workshop to help reinforce literacy skills. We are noticing letters and words in print, thinking and talking like the characters in our books, as well as rereading and retelling stories!

Word Study: Rhyming

In term 2, we work on rhyming to help build reading fluency and phonemic awareness skills. Along with playing rhyming games, we also notice rhymes in songs, poems, and read alouds.


Show & Tell Writing

In term 2, we expand on our phonics and writing skills as students move to show and tell writing. This is when students write, draw, and share about objects or places. In our ELL classes, we practice stretching out words and hearing all the sounds in a word. We also practice sentence structure and planning out our stories across multiple pages. We also add in phonics skills and practice using the alphabet chart to match letters and sounds. Finally, we share our writing with each other to practice language development and conversational skills with peers.

The Language of Social Studies

Community Members

In term 3, students will read non-fiction texts and learn how to describe different communities, community members, and jobs people have to help a community. We also learn that communities create structures, rules, and ideas to solve problems.

Essential Questions:

  • Who is in our community?

  • How do people help our community?

We practice our sentence structure and phonics skills while writing about our community.

We play games to reinforce our community member vocabulary and definitions.