As part of the research-based PBIS process, we do the following when teaching academics:

  1. Explicitly teach and refer to our school-wide expectations.

  2. Provide students with more praise, using a positive tone of voice rather than correction.

  3. Use pre-correcting, prompting and redirecting during teaching.

  4. Look for the positives first, providing immediate, frequent and explicit feedback.

  5. Provide students opportunities to set and monitor goals based on their behavioral needs.


1. We believe all people deserve to feel safe, valued, and loved.

2. We believe all children are curious about the world around them.

3. We believe learning is a social process.

4. We believe inquiry fosters an environment of noticing and questioning.

5. We believe learning should be viewed from multiple perspectives.

6. We believe in learning through authentic primary and secondary sources.

7. We believe in encouraging learners to take risks and discover their own learning.

8. We believe reflection should lead to change and growth.

9. We believe that learning should lead to social action.

10. We believe our actions should be aligned with our beliefs.

The Fox Cub Way:

We have a unified set of school-wide expectations and procedures for all areas in our school. These expectations define our attitude towards behavior, and are visible throughout the school, promoting “THe Fox Cub Way” of being READY, RESPECTFUL and RESPONSIBLE. Our teachers and staff align our practices with our Essential Eights. These eight themes are about how students should be expected to behave as learners .

PBIS Team: