Scripts To Use

Sample Scripts To:

1. Give a sample

2. Invite to an event

3. Invite to host an event

The natural progression is for you to give someone a sample, then invite them to an event, then to invite them to host a class.

1. Invite to receive a sample:

Hey! This is _____________. How are you doing? Do you have a couple of minutes?

I don’t know if you know this, but I work with doTERRA—a health and wellness company based on essential oils. I am super excited how natural alternatives have benefited my own health and I love to help others experience the same benefits. I’ve successfully used essential oils for (list a few things—be compliant).

There is a special going on right now—there are free samples available for the first 50 people who respond. I thought of you, and wanted to check and see if you’d like to get a sample or two to try for your family while you can get them for free?

If yes – super! Tell me what health goals you’re working on in your family so I can pick up some oils that will actually support what you’re working on!....

If no – I understand if the timing might be a little off for you right now. Do you know of anyone interested in natural wellness who might like to take advantage of this special?

2. Invite to an event (this script works best if someone has already received a sample):

Hey! This is _____________. How are you doing? Do you have a couple of minutes?

I’m calling to see if you have had a chance to try the sample (s) of essential oils that I gave you.

If yes – Great, tell me about your experience…

If no – That’s all right, tonight let me explain exactly how you can use the oil so that you can have the best experience possible…

I’ve been wanting to invite you to a special event that I think you will really enjoy. I just received a limited number of gifts to give out at events –(briefly describe, ie: it’s a whole bottle of essential oil and a Living magazine full of recipes and ideas about how you can improve your health naturally.) Anyway, I have a gift certificate for you, and if you come to this event you will receive the gift pack there. I only have a limited number of certificates to give out so I want to make sure that you can make it, and if you can’t, I will give the certificate to somebody else.

You can pick one of two events that you can attend

We have classes on _________________________ & _________________________ Which one works best with your schedule?

If they say they can come--And one last question – I still have a few certificates available since you’re one of the first people I called. I know it’s more fun if you can come with someone you know. Do you have a friend or family member you’d like to bring with you? I can give them a certificate as well.

If they cannot come —I’m so sorry you can’t make it! Do you have any friends or family members who might like to receive a free essential oil gift pack? (Get answer, then ask) If something like this comes up again, would you like to know about it? When are you typically available during the week?

3. Invite to host an event (this is script works best after someone has received a sample and gone to an event):

Hey! This is _________________. How are you doing? Do you have a couple of minutes?

I’m glad that you had the chance to come to one of my events and learn about the power of essential oils. As you know, I love to hold classes for people who are interested in learning how to use essential oils to benefit themselves and their families. It’s a super fun get together and these classes have a great impact on improving people’s health.

There is an AWESOME special going on right now: anyone who hosts an event this month will receive a __________________ (insert your gift here) just for booking the event, and if they get _____________ people there, they’ll also receive a ______________. These gifts (list benefits/ways to use here).

When I heard of the special, I thought of you. I think you would be an amazing host. I know you love natural wellness (or essential oils, etc.) and I thought you might like to earn some free gifts for your own family to benefit from while giving back and empowering others to improve their health.

Would you be willing to host a class this month?

More Scripts!

Conversation Starters:

Find something you have in common and start your conversation there:

• Have you used essential oils? Yes, great, what have you used them for?

• Are you open to natural healthcare?

• A lot of people use prescription drugs and they have some nasty side effects but some people have figured out a way to get their health back naturally (wait for a response).

• Have you considered building a home-based business?

Sharing Samples:

Have you heard of essential oils before? They are the aromatic, healing part of plants. I’ve used them for ________________________. I’d like to give you a free sample to try out and see for yourself how easy they work. What are some health issues you or your family struggle with? How long have they been an issue? How has that been affecting you (or your family)? I’d love to call you back in three days to see how it’s working for you; different things work for different people, so let’s see what kind of results you experience; then as needed we can go from there. This will be a taste of how natural solutions can change your life. I was thinking of you because I knew you/your family suffered with _________. It’s called _________. It’s best used by _________(use; i.e. putting it on your feet) _________ drops/day.

Sample Follow-Up:

Hello _________, it’s ________calling and I just wanted to check in to see how the oils I gave you are helping. Have you tried them yet? What has been your experience thus far? What questions do you have? Are you interested in learning more about how to use the oils and which oils are best for which health issues? I am having a class this ____________ in _____________. Would you like to come and find out more about what these oils can do for you? (If no, invite to future class or invite to purchase right then.)

Class Reminder Text:

I’m really excited to see you tonight! I think we can find some powerful solutions for any health challenges you or your family face (or you can be specific if you know some of their health issues or interests). Feel free to bring a friend who is looking for solutions to their health issues as well. See you at ___ on ___.

One-on-One Invite:

I’ve been thinking about you. I’ve had some pretty amazing experiences with my own health and others (best to share specific experiences here). A friend of mine has taught me how to take care of my family using essential oils. Would you like to learn how to use them for the common health concerns of you and your family? When would you like to do that? Does tomorrow or the next day work best for you? Great, I look forward to seeing you and sharing together then.

Class Invite:

Are you open to natural remedies? (If yes) What kind(s)? (If no) Are you interested in learning more about natural solutions? Natural solutions are amazing – you get powerful results without the side effects of medications. Have you ever heard of essential oils? Would you like to learn more about them? I’ve been learning about them lately and I’m hosting a class on essential oils (when and where). Would you like to come and learn? I’ll bring you an invitation with all the details. Great! This will be one of the best things you can ever do for your family! (Add a personal experience whenever appropriate.)

Casual One-on-One Invite:

I’ve been thinking about you and I have something really special to share with you. When can we go out to lunch?

Sample Follow-Up & More:

“Hi, this is _____________ (identify where they know you from if necessary). Do you have a minute? I was calling to find out how the ______________ (name the oil sample you gave) worked for ________________ (name the health concern they have).”

“Hi, this is ____________. I just wanted to check in to see how you’re doing and see how the oils I gave you are helping you. Have you used them yet? What has been your experience so far? What questions do you have?”


What do you know about essential oils? How do you know so much? Have you experienced dTERRA before?

I love to share how to use essential oils as a natural solution for health challenges! Would you be willing to host a small class with 4-5 of your friends? I’ve got some great hostess gifts, and your friends will be grateful you introduced them.

If you’re interested in learning more about how to use the oils and which oils are best for which condition, I’m having a class this ____________ (date & time) in ______________ (city/place).

Have you used natural remedies? If yes, what kind(s)? If no, are you interested in learning more about natural solutions without the synthetic side effects? Have you ever heard of essential oils? I’ve been learning about them lately and I’m hosting a hands-on workshop to learn about and experience essential oils (when and where). Would you like to join me? Can I email you or is it best to text you the details? What is your contact info? Great! This will be one of the best things you can ever do for your family! (Add a personal experience whenever appropriate)

Email or Text Invite:

I think you would really enjoy this video _________________ (send link). Will you watch it and let me know what you think? When is a good time for us to touch base?

48 Hour Class Follow-up Call:

Hey _______, this is _______I am so grateful you could come to my essential oil class the other night. I learned more about _______ (a health concern they were worried about) How have you liked the oils that you experienced? How did you like what you learned? What other questions do you have? How can I help you get started? It’s so refreshing because doTERRA meets every family’s needs and every budget. What kit best meets your family’s needs?

2 Week Class Follow-up Call:

How have you liked the oils that you experienced? How did you like what you learned? What other questions do you have? How can I help you get started? It’s so refreshing because doTERRA meets every family’s needs and every budget. What kit best meets your family’s needs?


• Avoid claims or any use of words like cure, heal, injury, illness, ailment, medicine, disease, or specific disease names.

• Use words like help, support, and strengthen. Also refer to issues as occasional and focus on responding to product questions by relevant yet more general body system (e.g. digestive, respiratory, cardiovascular).

• If someone asks about a specific health concern, respond with “If I were you, I would…..” and/or guide them to online or printed resources.

• Invite oil or product shares by participants in classes or trainings.