Year 1 Educational Visits


Date:  Monday 2nd October 2023 (Emerald)

Monday 9th October 2023 (Jade)

As part of our science topic we are going to visit Sutton Ecology Centre to take part in a workshop exploring our senses.

We will be travelling to Sutton Ecology Centre in the Leo Minibuses and we are asking for a voluntary contribution of £9 to cover the cost of the workshop, to be paid by Friday 29th September. You can pay for this trip via your child's Arbor account under Trips.

Children will need to wear their school uniforms for the trip, but please make sure your child comes with appropriate outdoor clothing for the weather eg coat/sunhat/wellies!


Payment for all trips can be made on Arbor, you will find them under the Trips section of your child's account. It is your responsibility to ensure that trips are fully paid before the deadline for that trip. Arbor will not prompt you to make payments, but the School Office will send out payment reminders.