Cheam Common Junior Academy

 Weekly Newsletter

Friday 15th March 2024

Cheam Common Junior Academy: Kingsmead Avenue, Worcester Park, KT4 8UT   


School Updates

Ofsted report published

Following our recent Ofsted inspection, which took place on 8th and 9th February 2024, I am delighted to be able to share with you the final version of the report here.

This inspection was a Section 8 inspection. 

A Section 8 inspection is carried out to evaluate whether a school that was previously judged as ‘good’ continues to meet that standard; this is known as an ‘ungraded’ inspection and takes place every 4 years.  An ungraded inspection cannot change the current grade of the school, however there is the opportunity that if there is enough evidence gathered that could suggest the inspection grade might be outstanding, then this will be indicated in the report and there will be a return inspection in 1-2 years.

We are pleased to share that Ofsted has confirmed our school remains a ‘good’ school. Additionally, I am incredibly proud to be able to share that our inspection did find that, if a graded (section 5) inspection were carried out, there may have been enough evidence to indicate the school is ‘outstanding’. Our next inspection will now take place in 1-2 years and will be a ‘graded’ inspection.

We strongly believe that the report reflects the collective efforts of our entire school community.  I am incredibly proud of our school, from our exceptional teaching and support staff who consistently go above and beyond to create a positive and enriching learning environment, to our pupils, who impress us with their respect and empathy towards one another, their passion for learning and their willingness to improve every day.

I would also like to thank you, our parents, for your continued support. Your involvement and partnership with the school play a crucial role in creating an environment where our pupils can thrive academically and personally.

Miss Gunner

10296738 - Cheam Common Junior - 142398 Final PDF.pdf

Red Nose Day - Friday 15th March

Thank you to all of our families for supporting Comic Relief and Red Nose Day. Children have had so much fun showing off their 'crazy hair' today!

Young Carers Action Day

This week, we celebrated Young Carers Action Day. The children had a party with Miss Sobecka. This group of children come together every week to discuss how their caring role at home and to share their experiences.

If you believe that your child might be a Young Carer, please complete this form.

#WCAD2024 #FairFuturesForYoungCarers #YoungCarersActionDay

Big Walk and Wheel Fortnight

We have some exciting news for you! We are taking part in the 15th year celebration of Sustrans Big Walk and Wheel, the UK’s largest inter-school cycling, walking, wheeling and scooting challenge. The challenge runs from 11-22 March 2024. It’s free to take part and we would love everyone to be involved.

What do you need to do?

Encourage your child(ren) to walk, use a wheelchair, scoot or cycle to school on as many days as possible during the event. 

Including everyone

We want to make sure that everyone can get involved in Sustrans Big Walk and Wheel. We know it may be more difficult for some pupils to take part than others. If you want to discuss more about your child(ren)’s specific needs, please contact Miss Shallcross and we will make sure to look into how your child(ren) can take part.

Why we are taking part

Sustrans Big Walk and Wheel is a great way to build physical activity in children’s daily routine which is important for their physical health and mental wellbeing. 

Active school runs also help to reduce congestion and air pollution outside the school gate. A 2021 YouGov study showed nearly half of UK children worry about air pollution near their school. And that children thought active travel was the best way to bring down these pollution levels.

Plus there are some great prizes to be won every day if we get enough children taking part! For more information about the event go to . Enjoy the challenge!

Residentials: Parent Meetings

Year 4: High Ashurst Parent Meeting

Wednesday 8th May (9am and 6pm)

Year 5: Devon Parent Meeting 

Slides attached here.

Year 6: Isle of Wight Parent Meeting

 Monday 25th March (9am and 6pm)

Spring 2 Curriculum Newsletters

Please find your child's Curriculum Newsletter below.

This features key information about what they will be learning about this half term.

Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Year 6

Free School Lunches

Spring Parent Survey

This week, we released our termly parent survey.

4th - 22nd March

Please check your emails and complete the survey if you have time!

Our Book Wishlist

Children across the school wrote a wishlist of the different books that they would like to see in their library and their classrooms. 

We have collated this wishes and have put together an Amazon Wish List, which can be found here. If parents and families wish, there are over a hundred books that children are desperate to read on the list and these can be ordered as a present to our school. Alternatively, if you notice a book on the list that your children no longer read, we are always grateful for any donations!

It has also been suggested by our children that, on a birthday, rather than bringing sweets in for their classmates, children choose a book on the list that they would like to donate to their class. This also falls in line with our commitment to promoting healthy lifestyles. On the order, there is an option to leave a message - you can specify which class the book is for. As ever, we recognise that money can be tight so please note that this is entirely optional. Any support is always appreciated.

Weekly School and Sporting News Stories

This week at Cheam Common:

Year 3 Football Tournament: On Monday afternoon, we hosted the LEO Year 3 football tournament on our MUGA. Both our boys' and girls' teams played against Cheam Park Farm. Our boys lost out narrowly by one goal in a 6-5 defeat. Our girls were able to celebrate a resounding win - 16-0!

🏐 Year 3 Korfball: On Monday evening, some of our Year 3 children travelled to Glyn School to take part in a Year 3 Korfball tournament. Overall, we finished in fourth place. Well done!

Utilia Kids Cup Regional Finals: On Tuesday, our Year 6 Boys' Football A Team travelled to Swindon to take part in the Kids Cup Regional Finals. Through difficult weather conditions, the boys played incredibly but were knocked out at the group stage.

📸 LEO Marketing: On Wednesday, we were visited by a photographer who was taking some new photos that Cheam Common and LEO will be using in their marketing. The children were incredibly behaved, looked so smart and were very photogenic!

🏐 Netball League Match: On Wednesday afternoon, we hosted the next fixture in the Year 6 Netball Team's league fixtures, against St Elphege's. We knew this would be the toughest fixture of the season and were heartened by the incredible crowd that turned up to support. As expected, it was an incredibly tight game, ending in a draw of 4-4. 

🏑 Sutton Schools Hockey Tournament: On Thursday afternoon, some of our Year 5 children attended Trinity School to take part in the U11 hockey tournament. We are incredibly proud of our team, who managed to finish in 2nd place.

🔴 Red Nose Day: We celebrated Red Nose Day by wearing our red MUFTI and having 'crazy hair' to school. We have managed to raise an incredible amount of money - we are hoping to be able to announce the final amount next week!  

If you would like to share your child's achievements outside of school with us, we'd love to hear them! Please complete this short form to tell us all about it!

Mollie (Year 6)

Over the weekend, Mollie took part in a dance show: 'Once Upon Time'. We are so proud of you, Mollie!

Spring and Summer Term Dates

Please find below all the key dates and times for next week and for the Spring and Summer Term.

PTA events are shown in this colour. Please see below for more details.

New dates

Tuesday 19th and Wednesday 20th March

Parent Consultation Evenings

Monday 25th March

Year 6 Residential Meeting (9am and 6pm)

Tuesday 26th March

Spring Term Merit Assembly

Year 3 Drumming Performances

Wednesday 27th March

Year 3 Local Visit to Church

Thursday 28th March

Last day of term (2:15pm finish)

After School Club closes at 5pm


Monday 1st - Friday 12th April

Easter Holidays

Monday 15th - Friday 19th April

Year 5 Residential: Devon

Monday 22nd April

Summer term clubs start

First Year 3 Swimming Session

Monday 13th - Thursday 16th May

Year 6 SATs Week

Thursday 23rd May

Class/team photos

Monday 27th -  Friday 31st May

May Half Term

Sunday 2nd - Thursday 6th June

Year 6 Residential: Isle of Wight Trip 1

Monday 3rd June


Thursday 6th June - Monday 10th June

Year 6 Residential: Isle of Wight Trip 2

Monday 17th June

Year 3 Coffee Afternoon and Lesson Showcase

Tuesday 18th June

Class/team photos

Wednesday 26th - Friday 28th June

Year 4 Residential: High Ashurst

Wednesday 3rd July

Sports Day

Tuesday 9th July

Back up Sports Day (in case of bad weather)

Wednesday 10th July

CCJ Careers Fair

Saturday 13th July

Summer Fair

Friends of Cheam Common - Updates

The Friends of Cheam Common now has a new Facebook group, where you can follow any updates on upcoming events or how you can get involved.

The Friends of Cheam Common will be distributing secondhand uniform to anyone may need it. 

If this is something you would be interested in, please contact them on

Krispy Kreme Sale

Spring Term MUFTI

Easter Trail

Cheam Common Summer Fair

Celebrations, Awards and Stars of the Week

Star of the Week Certificate Winners

Every week, we are celebrating a new LEO Explorer Value. This week our new value was... 

Critical Thinking

Next week, we will be celebrating being     


3A - Ryan and Max

3F - Melia and Andria

3S - Amir and Isabelle

3T - Kevin and Taya

4I - Quinton and Judie

4C - Kiaan and Cindy

4HJ - Ryan and Hayat

4M - Francis and Saumiya

5VH - Damla and George

5G - Nathan and Bella

5JH - Oscar and Isla

5M - Alisha and Joseph

6SElsie and Nikol

6CB - Samuel and Woojeh

6SB - Rylie and Hamid

6W -  Mya and Jake I

SEND & Inclusion Updates

Sutton's new SEND Local Offer

Please follow this link to Sutton's new SEND Local Offer

Click the image above for further information!

Young Carers at Cheam Common

At Cheam Common Junior Academy, we hold a weekly small group session to support children across the school who fulfil the role of ‘Young Carer’ because they have a sibling or parent with serious health issues, special educational needs or disabilities (SEND).

We want to celebrate the important role our Young Carers play, but also recognise that they may face challenges and pressures not shared by the general school population.  

The group meets during assembly time and is led by Mrs Hart. 

If you would like your child to take part please complete this form.

If you have any questions about the group, please feel free to contact us at

Please click here to access the Local Authority's Ambitious for SEND parent newsletter to stay in touch with what is happening in the local area.  To receive these newsletters (three produced each year) please subscribe to the local area Ambitious for SEND newsletter.  It is a great way to stay in touch with what is happening in the local area.  You can unsubscribe at any time.

Barnardo's Children and Young People Survey - Information for Parents and Carers.pdf

Keeping Safe Online

DIGI Safe - Keeping Children Safe Online

LGFL have launched a wonderfully informative and practical website full of resources to help keep children safe online. With videos, informative guides and top tips, there is lots to explore to help keep your child safe whilst online. To visit, click here.

Family Support

Family Support Referrals

Family Support Referrals 2023-2024

All referrals welcome for those families that require support 

Thank you - LEO FSW Team

Spring: Activities to do

Therapies Spring Programme (1).pdf

Mental Health and Wellbeing Update

WL & St George’s Mental Health Trust: events for parents and carers

The SW London and St George’s Mental Health Trust has ongoing events for parents and carers to support their primary or secondary aged children. Sessions cover body image, mental health, school avoidance, social media and gaming, sleep, parenting children and young people with ADHD, understanding ARFID (Avoidant Restrictive Food Intake Disorder) and lots more.

Find their primary school aged events on Eventbrite, or events for parents and carers of secondary aged children.

Local Activities and Events - General Information

Easter & May courses.pdf

Future term dates

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