Cheam Common Junior Academy

 Weekly Newsletter

Friday 9th February 2024

Cheam Common Junior Academy: Kingsmead Avenue, Worcester Park, KT4 8UT   


School Updates

NSPCC Number Day

A massive thank you to our children and parents for putting incredible effort into dressing up as Times Tables Rockstars today.

We have raised an incredible £370 (at the time of counting) for the NSPCC so far - donations can still be made here if you would like.

Take a look at some of the rockin' outfits here!

Our best-dressed children were extremely hard to choose, but here they are!

Year 3: Austen,  Martha and Lumi

Year 4: Thea, Iso and Francis

Year 5: Avi, Molly and Orla

Year 6: Rea, Woody and Abby

Lunar New Year

We welcomed children who were wearing their traditional and celebratory clothing to celebrate Lunar New Year today. We loved bringing in the Year of the Dragon in Celebration Assembly today. A Happy New Year to all those who are celebrating!

Travel Ambassadors: Air Quality

Cheam Common Juniors are running an Air Quality Day on Friday 23rd February 2024 to raise awareness of ways we can all help clean up London’s air through our travel choices.

The JTAs are launching a competition to raise awareness of ways we can all help reduce air pollution. To get involved, we are asking pupils to put forward their ideas for how the school community can improve air quality and produce a top-tips leaflet, poster or video to showcase their ideas

The winning entries will be shared with the rest of the school to promote their ideas and encourage the school community to take action.

The deadline for the competition is Monday 19th February 2024. For more details, please speak to your Junior Travel Ambassadors.

CCJ Careers Fair: Wednesday 10th July (TBC)

In the Summer Term, we are interested in hosting 'Cheam Common Careers Fair' on Wednesday 10th July (TBC).

We would be interested in inviting parents into school to talk about their jobs and to answer questions from children about their jobs/careers. We would love to find a real mix of jobs and vocations amongst our community in order to show the children a wide variety of future careers out there. Additionally, if you know of someone with an exciting career who you believe would be interested, please state this in the extra details section.

We are still in the early stages of planning this event but we would like to gather interest to see whether the event is worth running. Once we have an idea of numbers, we would be able to start to work out logistics of how the event would work. 

If you would be interested in taking part in this event, please fill out this Google Form. If there is extraordinary demand, we will confirm attendees nearer the time. If your plans change and you are no longer able to volunteer, please do not worry at all!

Residentials Parent Meetings

Year 4: High Ashurst Parent Meeting

Wednesday 8th May (9am and 6pm)

Year 5: Devon Parent Meeting 

Monday 19th February (9am and 6pm)

Year 6: Isle of Wight Parent Meeting

 Monday 25th March (9am and 6pm)

Curriculum Newsletters

Please find your child's Curriculum Newsletter below.

This features key information about what they will be learning about this half term.

Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Year 6

Our Book Wishlist

Children across the school wrote a wishlist of the different books that they would like to see in their library and their classrooms. 

We have collated this wishes and have put together an Amazon Wish List, which can be found here. If parents and families wish, there are over a hundred books that children are desperate to read on the list and these can be ordered as a present to our school. Alternatively, if you notice a book on the list that your children no longer read, we are always grateful for any donations!

It has also been suggested by our children that, on a birthday, rather than bringing sweets in for their classmates, children choose a book on the list that they would like to donate to their class. This also falls in line with our commitment to promoting healthy lifestyles. On the order, there is an option to leave a message - you can specify which class the book is for. As ever, we recognise that money can be tight so please note that this is entirely optional. Any support is always appreciated.

Weekly School and Sporting News Stories

This week at Cheam Common:

🏐 Bee Netball Tournament: On Tuesday, Miss Bishop took our netball team to the Sutton Bee Netball Tournament. It was a 5-a-side tournament, which tested our knowledge of positioning. We are so proud of her team, who managed to finish in second place. 🥈

🏑 Hockey Festival: On Tuesday, we took part in a friendly hockey festival at Sutton High. This was a fantastic opportunity to test out our teamwork skills in preparation for the rest of the year. 

🏸 Year 5/6 Badminton Competition: Aadi, Kiara, Sonny, Lotus, Jake and Seb travelled to Wilson's on Wednesday morning to take part in a Sutton badminton competition. We are incredibly proud to have finished 3rd!

⚽ Year 6 Boys' Football A Team League Match: On Wednesday afternoon, we played St Cecilia's in our next league match. It was an incredibly tight match but Cheam Common emerged victorious with a 2-1 win! Goals were scored by Eliot and Roman. Well done!

🏀 Growth Academy Basketball League: On Thursday morning, our children travelled to the Phoenix Centre to compete in a basketball tournament. The team finished second 🥈

🏓 London South Schools Table Tennis Championships: On Thursday afternoon, a group of Year 5 and 6 children travelled to Wallington County Grammar School to take part in the London South School Table Tennis Championships. All children did exceptionally and Evan even managed to get to the finals, finishing as a runner-up! 🥈

⚽ Year 6 Girls' Football A Team Surrey Cup Match: We travelled to Cheam Park Farm on Friday afternoon to compete in our Surrey Cup Quarter Final against Manor Park.  We won the game 5-0, with Jasmine scoring a hatrick and Isabelle scoring twice. Well done, girls! The semi finals await!

If you would like to share your child's achievements outside of school with us, we'd love to hear them! Please complete this short form to tell us all about it!

Vian (6SB)

Vian Patel (6SB) made his own breakfast creation and has created a poster of the steps. What an imaginative idea!

Sana (3S)

We are always proud to see Sana's incredible writing. We loved reading her most recent piece, 'Lost in the Woods'.

Thea (Year 4)

Thea made this incredible Tuscan Bean and Pasta Soup at the weekend with very little assistance!

Ana-Maria (Year 5)

Take a look at Ana-Maria's fantastic artwork. 

Spring Term Dates

Please find below all the key dates and times for next week and for the Spring Term.

PTA events are shown in this colour. Please see below for more details.

New dates

Monday 12th - Friday 16th February

February Half Term

Monday 19th February

Year 5: Devon Residential Parent Meeting

Tuesday 20th February

Year 4 Philharmonic Chamber Ensemble Performance @ St Andrew's Church, Cheam

Wednesday 21st February

Year 3 Natural History Museum Trip

World Thinking Day

Thursday 22nd February

Year 3 and 4 Disco (3:30-4:30pm)

Year 5 and 6 Disco (4:45-5:45pm)

Friday 23rd February

Year 1 and 2 Disco (3:30-4:30pm)

Monday 4th March

Year 4 Coffee Afternoon and Lesson Showcase

Thursday 7th March

World Book Day

Tuesday 19th and Wednesday 20th March

Parent Consultation Evenings

Friends of Cheam Common - Updates

The Friends of Cheam Common now has a new Facebook group, where you can follow any updates on upcoming events or how you can get involved.

The Friends of Cheam Common will be distributing secondhand uniform to anyone may need it. 

If this is something you would be interested in, please contact them on

A massive thank you!

A big thank you to everyone who attended the Cheam Common Quiz on Friday night! We have raised £2806 which is a phenomenal amount! We had 22 teams go head to head on the night and everyone had a wonderful time! Friends would like to thank everyone who attended and we look forward to hosting the event again next year!

Well done to 'Licence to Quiz' for winning the entire quiz!

Spring Term MUFTI

Spring Term Discos

Thursday 22nd February (3:30-4:30pm): Year 3 and 4 

Thursday 22nd February (4:45-5:45pm): Year 5 and 6

Friday 23rd February (3:30-4:30pm): Year 1 and 2

All tickets can be bought here. 

Celebrations, Awards and Stars of the Week

Star of the Week Certificate Winners

Every week, we are celebrating a new LEO Explorer Value. This week our new value was... 


Next week, we will be celebrating being 'Reflective'.

3A - Sama and Ethan

3F - Raphaella and Isabella

3S - Aishna and George

3T - Neha and Toby

4I - Miles and Ronia

4C - Casper and Marnie

4HJ - Jack and Lily

4M - Archana and Rewa

5VH - Joshua and Scarlett

5G - Bella and Rushil 

5JH - Karsten and Ayeesha

5M - Holy and Frankie

6SInes and Dexter

6CB - Liliya and Albie

6SB - Jaxon and Ji-Youl

6W -  Renata and Mason

SEND & Inclusion Updates

Sutton's new SEND Local Offer

Please follow this link to Sutton's new SEND Local Offer

Click the image above for further information!

Young Carers at Cheam Common

At Cheam Common Junior Academy, we hold a weekly small group session to support children across the school who fulfil the role of ‘Young Carer’ because they have a sibling or parent with serious health issues, special educational needs or disabilities (SEND).

We want to celebrate the important role our Young Carers play, but also recognise that they may face challenges and pressures not shared by the general school population.  

The group meets during assembly time and is led by Mrs Hart. 

If you would like your child to take part please complete this form.

If you have any questions about the group, please feel free to contact us at

Please click here to access the Local Authority's Ambitious for SEND parent newsletter to stay in touch with what is happening in the local area.  To receive these newsletters (three produced each year) please subscribe to the local area Ambitious for SEND newsletter.  It is a great way to stay in touch with what is happening in the local area.  You can unsubscribe at any time.

Keeping Safe Online

DIGI Safe - Keeping Children Safe Online

LGFL have launched a wonderfully informative and practical website full of resources to help keep children safe online. With videos, informative guides and top tips, there is lots to explore to help keep your child safe whilst online. To visit, click here.

Family Support

Family Support Referrals

Family Support Referrals 2023-2024

All referrals welcome for those families that require support 

Thank you - LEO FSW Team

Free cooking course

Bags of Taste focuses on helping individuals and families improve their long-term health and finances and build their resilience and confidence through our independently evaluated cooking course. Here is a link to our website:

We work across England, including multiple London boroughs, to target people who are struggling to make ends meet. These may be young people, families, single parents, pensioners, socially isolated people, people over reliant on ready meals and fast food, people with medical conditions or mental health issues. You can find the areas we cover here

We aim to change people’s mindset by providing a structured and supported 2 week programme. Many of our previous participants have saved around £1,060, which is something useful especially with the rising costs of living. Children have also enjoyed it and allowed them to try cooking and eating new foods.

We will arrange delivery of a FREE bag of ingredients for three delicious low cost meals (that make about 7 meals) to a referred family’s door and mentor them by WhatsApp or phone over a two week period while they cook the dishes in their own time.

Mental Health and Wellbeing Update

WL & St George’s Mental Health Trust: events for parents and carers

The SW London and St George’s Mental Health Trust has ongoing events for parents and carers to support their primary or secondary aged children. Sessions cover body image, mental health, school avoidance, social media and gaming, sleep, parenting children and young people with ADHD, understanding ARFID (Avoidant Restrictive Food Intake Disorder) and lots more.

Find their primary school aged events on Eventbrite, or events for parents and carers of secondary aged children.

Local Activities and Events - General Information

Future term dates

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