Quantum-bio-sensing and bio-imaging overcoming the limitations of state-of-the-art tools for cardiac imaging and spectroscopy.

The MUQUABIS Project

The central goal of MUQUABIS is to develop synergetic tools of quantum-bio-sensing and bio-imaging, based on new concepts for quantum frequency combs and infrared lasers, and diamond-based magnetic microscopy. The combination of these tools will advance the current understanding of molecular biology mechanisms and intracellular spatio-temporal dynamics leading to cardiac arrhythmias. Our ambition is to provide a novel conceptual and technological framework that overcomes the limitations of state-of-the-art tools for cardiac imaging and spectroscopy, currently operating with classical light and electrophysiology techniques, in terms of non-invasiveness, sensitivity, spatial and temporal resolutions. MUQUABIS targets both fundamental and applied physics with the determination to lead, as ultimate outcome, to a plan for industrialization of devices, which will pave the way for a new-generation of compact and non-invasive quantum-based instrumentation for diagnostics and treatments.