Grading Methods

Final Grade Calculation

The final grade for the course will be calculated using the following point distribution:

First Quarter: 40%

Second Quarter: 40%

Final: 20%

General Grading Procedure

      • Assessments (25% of total quarter grade): Assessments represent the student’s understanding of topics / concepts / skills after significant practice. These assessments will mostly take the form of tests and quizzes.
        • Assessments may extend beyond class time, and may require both collaborative and independent work.
      • Labs (35% of total quarter grade): Labs will be graded for how well directions are followed, effective use of class time, and the depth and accuracy of analysis. Expectations will be clearly outlined before the start of each lab.
      • Projects (25% of total quarter grade): Projects will be graded for how well directions are followed, creativity, effective use of class time and how well, where applicable, they perform. Expectations will be clearly outlined before the start of each project and a rubric will be provided to explain how projects will be graded.
      • Homework/Classwork (10% of total quarter grade): Homework will be graded on completion (not mastery/accuracy). Homework may take many forms (readings, challenge questions, responses to media, brainstorming, etc.).
      • Learning Habits (5% of total quarter grade): Learning habits are lifelong strategies individuals develop and use to promote their learning and the learning of others. Self-regulation, organization, timely completion of work, persistence, and collaboration significantly improve student success, and ALL students are expected to build, hone, and use these skills and behaviors.
      • Final Project (20% of TOTAL SEMESTER grade): Students will have the opportunity to research, investigate and analyze the evidence in a real event or crime in which forensic science has played an important role.

Late Work Policy

Any assignment not handed in at the beginning of the class period it was due will be considered and recorded as LATE.

  • If a test is missed, you will have the next 5 school days to make it up, otherwise it will be counted as a zero. Please talk to me if you have an excused absence.
  • Labs, projects, and homework are due at the beginning of class on the day they are due. Late work will not receive full credit.
    • Late work will be graded as follows:
      • Turned in on the day due, but after the beginning of class: -5%
      • Turned in after the date due: -10% per day, up to a maximum of 50% off

***Note: Late work may be turned in for half credit until the end of the relevant unit of study.

I understand that special circumstances can arise. Please make an effort to discuss problems or concerns with me (in advance if at all possible). A written, signed note from a parent may be used to excuse late assignments on a case-by-case basis.

Absence Policy

If you have an excused absence from class, it is your responsibility to find out what work you missed and make it up. Check the assignment board, ask your classmates, and schedule a time with me to make up any missed lab work, tests, or quizzes.

    • Assignments that were due on the date of a student’s absence are due the period the student returns to class.
    • Work that was assigned while a student was absent is due to the teacher two class periods after the student returns to school.
    • Students not adhering to this schedule will need to follow the late work policy above.
    • Students absent on a lab day must make the lab up within ONE WEEK of the student’s return to school.
    • A student with an UNEXCUSED absence (i.e. “cutting”) from class will not be permitted to receive credit for missed work and the late work policy will apply to work due on the date of the unexcused absence.