Francais 3/4 Course Description (2016)

Francais 3/4 (2015-2016)

Students in this level 3 & level 4 course will engage daily in speaking, listening, reading and writing practice.

The key daily routine is TPRS (Teaching Proficiency through Reading and Storytelling.)

Students take center-stage in developing a story a day that makes use of the target vocabulary and phrases. Storytelling results in more long-term memory connections compared with more traditional approaches. Cultural and historical elements are also woven in. Extension activities emerge from the daily story to learn & practice grammar elements. We will make ample use of books, movies, manipulatives, and realia.

Students need feedback on how well they have learned. Short-term (“formative”) assessment will be through classroom activities and teacher observations (departmental weekly class participation rubric). Long-term (“summative”) assessment will be through regular quizzes and exams (which have been shown to deepen long-term memory of the material) and projects. Students will be given more and specific information about projects and how they will be graded later on.

What are my expectations of you?

It’s simple. “Respect”, “Responsibility”, and "Integrity":

• On time, in your seat when the bell rings.

• Organized and prepared with all materials and completed homework assignments

• Mentally ready to learn (“Get your head in the game”)

• Respectful of me, your classmates, and the learning environment

• Safety-minded at all times

• Pro-active = you ask questions and seek help when you need it

• Good attitude

• Team player

What should you expect of me?

• Guide your learning, individually and in groups

• Listen to you, be available to help you

• Respect your need for a safe, productive learning environment

I will follow the rules and policies described in the LGUHS Student Handbook. You are expected to know the contents of the LGUHS Student Handbook. The most common problems students have are unexcused tardies & absences and less-than-respectful behavior, including breaches of academic integrity. These issues affect the learning environment for your classmates. Do your best to be a good citizen.

Grading Policy

Tests and Quizzes 30%

Summative Projects 30%

In-Class Participation 20% - linked below is the assessment sheet used by the L&G foreign language department.

Homework 20% - credit based on effort, timely completion, evidence of learning