Google Classroom

Google Classroom is a virtual learning environment that allows you to continue your learning online. This platform allows you and your tutor to communicate with ease. You can complete assignments online and share them with your tutor. Your tutor can share all the resources that you would use in the classroom in one place. Remember: You can only access your class's Google Classroom from your student account. 

You can use Google Classroom to communicate with your tutor and your classmates at any time, although be aware that any sessions held via video call will only be available during the times advertised by your tutor. 

Google Classroom has three sections:

Find below a table of contents included in this section. Click/tap on the content that you want to access.

I have received an invite to Google Classroom. What next?

If your lessons are taking place fully or partially online, you will receive a Class Invitation from your tutor in your student email account (leicesterlearns account) a few days before the start of the course. To accept your tutor's invite, simply open the email and click on "Join". You are advised to join the class as soon as you receive the invite, before the course starts, so that you can familiarise yourself with the platform, introduce yourself to the class and start with any prep work that might have been set.

If your course is starting in the next two to three days and you haven't yet received an invitation, please call our Online Support Team on 0116 454 1900 and they will be able to help.

I don't have a computer or laptop, can I still access my class?

You don't need a computer or laptop to access our online classes and resources. If you have a phone or a tablet with access to the internet you can also access our online classes and resources.

Your class code isn't valid

You may find that you have followed the link sent by your tutor or used the class code provided by your tutor but Google Classroom says the class code is not valid.  This is because your browser is trying to use your personal Gmail account to access your class. 

To sort this issue, click on the circle on the top right corner of the screen and select your leicesterlearns account. You should then be taken to a quick setup and then you will be able to see your class. 

I accessed my class in the past but now it says it doesn't exist.

If you have accessed your class in the past and now it says it doesn't exist, click on "try another account" under the disc in the middle of the screen and choose your leicesterlearns account. Once you access with this account, you will be able to see your class.

I cannot see myself in Google Classroom under the people section

This tab is for you to see your tutors and your classmates, as you are not one of your classmates, you will not see your own name. We understand your confusion!

Are my comments on the Google Classroom stream private?

All comments on the Google Classroom stream are shared with the whole class. If you want to communicate with your tutor privately, use the private comment section on your assignments or email your tutor.

Where can I find the Google Classroom app for my phone or tablet?

You can find the App on your device's App store; you can also click on the link below for your device. If you are using an Amazon Fire device, you can only access using Silk browser as there are no official Google Apps available for Amazon devices.

Link to download Google Classroom from the Apple App Store
Link to download the Google Classroom app from the Google Play Store

How do I upload my work?

There are three different ways to upload your work:

1. If your tutor has set an assignment on the classwork section:

Click on the task set and then click on "view assignment", that will take you to a page that will show your assignment and on the right hand side, a section labelled "your work". You can add or create a new document as shown on the picture attached to this entry. If there is work already set, you can access it, complete it and then click on "turn in". If you are using a the Google Classroom app, "your work" section is hidden at the bottom of the screen on your assignment, to see it just tap on the little arrow.

Uploading work this way means that your work will only be seen by your tutor and yourself

2. You can upload your assignment to the classroom stream

If you want to share your work with your class group, you can upload the document on the stream. Click on "share something with your class" and then on "add" (paperclip). You can choose a file from your Drive or a file on your computer to upload. You will need to write something in the box before uploading the file, if there is no text, you cannot upload the file. If you are using a phone or tablet, you will also have the option to upload a picture taken from your camera.

3. You can email your work to your tutor using your Leicesterlearns account 

If you are unsure on how to use any of the options above, you can always email your tutor with your work.

A picture showing how the "your section" looks like in Google Classroom
A picture showing a drop down many and several option to upload your work to Google Classroom

How do I complete my ILP?

When completing your Individual Learning Plan (ILP) online, be aware that this can be edited by both yourself and your tutor. To not to lose your editing rights, please do not turn it in until your tutor tells you so. Otherwise you will not be able to write on it anymore! If you are not sure what needs to be written on your ILP, ask your tutor for guidance.

How do I complete my assignments in Google Classroom using a phone or a tablet? 

Step 1

Screen capture with an example of an assignment in the Google Classroom APP. There is an arrow at the bottom of the screen circled as this will take you to your assigned documents

Find your assignment in the Google Classroom App. Ensure that you tap on the arrow at the bottom of the screen. 

Step 2

A screen capture of the menu hidden under the arrow. There are three buttons and a box where you can write private comments. The attached document is highlighted

You will find your assignment here, tap on the attachment to open the document. You can also:

Step 3

An arrow pointing towards the setting that is required to edit the document. This is a box that has a diagonal arrow inside and is labelled as "open in Google Drive"

In this screen, tap on the diagonal arrow (open in drive). Please do NOT tap on the pencil icon. 

Step 4

A screen capture of the Google Doc opened in the Google Docs app. There is a pencil inside a circle. This will open the editing mode

This will open the file in your device's Google Docs, if you haven't installed this app before, you will be taken to your device's app store. If this happens, please install the app. Do not use other apps as these will not be able to save your progress.

Tap on the pencil icon in the bottom right corner of the screen to edit. Please, be aware that colours might be different on your device.

Step 5

A screen capture of the Google Document with the native device's keyboard open and ready to edit the document

You are now on editor mode. You can now write anywhere using your keyboard. If you are using Google Docs, all your progress will be saved. You do NOT need to share your document with your tutor as this is already shared with them.

Step 6

A screen capture of the Google Classroom APP with the "Hand in" section highlighted. This will submit your work

Once completed, you can go back to Google Classroom and hand your work in if this is what your tutor has requested.

How do I turn in my assignment in Google Classroom?

From a phone or a tablet

You work menu in a phone

In Google Classroom, go to the assignment that you want to turn in. Click on the arrow at the bottom of the screen. This will bring up 'Your work'. In there, you can tap on 'Mark as done'. Once you do this, you will not be able to edit your document anymore, so make sure that you have completed the whole task!

From a computer

In the top right corner of your assignment, you will find a 'turn in' button. Please, ensure that all work required is completed before clicking 'turn in' as you will not be able to edit the document once you turn it in. 

When you complete your work, click on 'turn in', this will close your document. Your tutor will receive a notification to inform them that your work has been completed. No further action is required. 

How do I complete my ILP in Google Classroom using a phone or a tablet? 

Step 1

A screen capture of a Google Document in Google Classroom

Open the file that your tutor has shared in Google Classroom

Step 2

An arrow pointing towards the setting that is required. This is a box that has a diagonal arrow inside

Tap on the icon with the arrow. Please do NOT tap on the pencil icon.

Step 3

A screen capture of the Google Doc opened in the Google Docs app. There is an arrow pointing towards a pencil inside a circle. This will open the editing mode

This will open the file in your device's Google Docs, if you haven't installed this app before, you will be taken to your device's app store. If this happens, please install the app. 

Tap on the pencil icon in the bottom right corner of the screen to edit. Please, be aware that colours might be different on your device.

Step 4

A screen capture of the Google Document with the native device's keyboard open and ready to edit the document

You are now on editor mode. You can now write anywhere. 

Once you have finished completing your ILP and if you are still connected to the internet, you can close the file as all changes are saved in the cloud.

You do NOT have to share the document with your tutor, this document is already shared with them. 

I have accidentally submitted my work, how do I unsubmit it? 

If you have accidentally turned in your work, you can recover your editing access to it using the classwork section in any of your devices. 

From a phone or tablet (using app)

Unsubmit option in the Google Classroom app

Find the assignment that you want to recover using Google Classroom. Tap on the arrow at the bottom of the screen and tap on 'unsubmit'

From a computer (or using web version)

Unsubmit option in the Google Classroom web version

In Google Classroom Classwork section, click on the assignment you want to access. Then click on 'view assignment'. You will see a similar box to the one in the picture above. Click on 'unsubmit'

Remember, all work that you do using Google Docs is automatically saved to the cloud. Even if you close the document or your device switches off while you are working, your document will still be there when you go back with all the content that you added!

Keeping your content after your course finishes

Have a look at the two documents below, one is for computers and the other one for Smartphones and Tablets:

Guide for Computers and laptops

Keeping your content after your course finishes - Computer

Guides for Smartphones and Tablets

Keeping your content after your course finishes - Smartphone or tablet