Open Doors to the Arts

Project Overview

Students with emotional and behavioral disorders and Autism have limited exposure to the arts and community. Often, their behaviors or ability to focus for extended periods of time create barriers to accessing and navigating the arts and community resources. To provide this vulnerable population of students with access to the arts and community organizations, the Open Doors to the Arts team captures 360º and 3D immersive content related to Lehigh Valley arts and community sites, and develops it into experiential learning modules for the Centennial School. The development of this content will allow K-12 students from Centennial to access and deepen their connection to the arts and prepare them for successful participation in the community.

“Adults with disabilities make up 12% of the U.S. adult population, yet they make up just under 7% of all adults attending art galleries”

A Matter of Choice? Arts Participation Patterns of Americans with Disabilities 

Conducted by the U.S. Census Bureau for the National Endowment for the Arts


Neurodivergence is a non medical term that describes people whose brains develop or work differently for some reason. While some people who are neurodivergent have medical conditions, this is not always the case. Some examples include Autism, ADHD, dyslexia, and better memory.