Lehigh Dept of Theatre '23-'24 Season

Audition for

Rags Parkland Sings the Songs of The Future 

by Andrew R. Butler

A Sci-Fi Folk Musical

Rags Parkland Sings The Songs Of The Future transports audiences to an underground music club 250 years in the future to hear Rags Parkland revive the revolutionary blues-rock band Beaux Weathers & The Future. Hunted by an authoritarian government on a future Earth racked by environmental destruction and social division, Rags, Beaux, and their band of constructed humans bring music, love, and life to the fight for a future worth living.

Winner of the 2019 Lucille Lortel Award for Oustanding Musical, and lauded as the best new musical of 2018 by The New York Times, Rags Parkland… premiered at Ars Nova in NYC to universal acclaim and sold-out houses.

From https://andrewrbutler.com/rags-parkland

Audition to be a member of the band, the lead singer, or in the chorus of singing and dancing constructed beings of the future.

Where: Zoellner Room 131 (Black Box Theatre)

When: Sept 10 & 11 4 pm-8 pm


Rags Parkland Sings the Songs of the Future will rehearse starting Sept 18 

Performances will be Nov 10, 11, 12 and Nov 15, 16, 17

No theatre or musical experience is necessary! 

Open to all majors! 



We are seeking:

Please bring 30 seconds each of two contrasting pieces. If you can include a piece with a swung rhythm please do.

Most of the musicians have spoken text, the drummer "speaks" through the drums only.

Singers and movers

Vocalists please bring 16 bars (about 30 seconds) of an uptempo song. Folk is preferable, but not required! If possible, pick songs that live in the lower registers of your voice.

An accompanist will be provided, so please bring sheet music.

We will be casting one lead singer (Beaux Weathers) and 8 chorus members. All singers may be called back to movement auditions.

Beaux Weathers is the frontperson of The Future and the late partner of Rags Parkland. 

via Google Drive

via Spotify

via Google Drive

chorus not included