Weirdness by Zanarria Bradley, 2023

Utopia vs. Dystopia
by Zanarria Bradley, Class of 2026

In any natural world, there are two sides. They are normally classified as a utopias and dystopias. Think of them as a split in someone's head. One side has everything they need to succeed (utopia), and the other is suffering on a daily (dystopia). 

    There are many reasons why the dystopia is worse than the Utopia, one being that people continuously get treated differently for things that are out of their control. 

As Lady Gaga said, they were born that way. 

Not fitting into a label placed by society can cause anyone to be outcast and denied equality and opportunities. This is very sad and mean for many reasons; learning should be available to everyone regardless of backgrounds. 

Even if they are weird.

Meet Equality. He comes from the worst society, and they remember the things he disliked with a sun's heat; he now knows what to improve to his own society to make it more pleasurable for all the members. One of the problems Equality plans to fix in their society is giving the members freedom, something Equality did not have growing up. 

Americans are encouraged to be individuals, but they can't cross the line of individuality. Paradox, anyone?