Video, Video, Video, Those Games by Parker Mageropoulos, Class of 2026

by Chase McFarlane, Class of 2026

A fleshy, sinister contraption within tormented walls.

Its screen beckons, deceitful, and we crawl,

To feed our fear and our desire for fun.

Or the quest until boredom falls.

The buttons pulse with a malevolent intentions

Its lights flicker warnings, yet we're drawn like moths

To the dangerous allure of hypertension heaven

Beware as the machine feasts on doubts and disquiet.

It leaves behind only a shadow of control and a quiet riot. 


Man in the Cabinet
by Isabel Curzon, Class of 2026

Trapped in the game, a man in despair

His fate sealed within the arcade's lair,

He's bloodied the ground, a battle fought in vain,

He cries for help, a echoing, mournful refrain.

The joystick and buttons, his only way out

As the game rages on, he begins to doubt that

He will ever escape this digital hell

and be forever trapped in this arcade cell.

The flashing lights and sounds surround

As he fights his way through every round.

But the game is merciless and unforgiving,

Leaving him broken and barely living.

Yet he persists, with all his might,

For the chance to see the world in daylight.

And finally, after what seems like an age,

He emerges victorious, free from his arcade cage.