Trouble at Red Lobster

by Skylar Abarca, Class of 2024

Tristesse opened the door to her luxurious, white 2020 BMW 3 series and stepped onto the gritty, rock-hard concrete, her black stiletto heels click-clacking as she walked towards the entrance. She scrunched her nose as the pungent smell of seafood smacked her right in the face.

She walked into the Red Lobster and her eyes immediately fell on the tank containing about twenty lobsters, all unaware that they were going to die soon. A man with “Dave” on his nametag welcomed her and led her to a booth in the corner. He handed her silverware and the menu. Tristesse ordered the lobster and Langostino pizza, Cajun chicken with linguini Alfredo with a side Caesar salad, a Coke, and Red Lobster’s signature cheddar bay biscuits.

While she waited for her food, Tristesse browsed through Pinterest. She looked up as she heard footsteps approaching her, so she put her phone in her thousand-dollar Louis Vuitton handbag. Dave placed her Coke on the coaster alongside a basket with biscuits. The lobster pizza landed in the middle of the table.

Tristesse managed to scarf down all six of the fluffy, golden biscuits, and almost the entire pizza before the rest of her food was brought to her. She dug right in. She was enjoying the delicious, creamy Alfredo when suddenly she heard something that sounded oddly familiar. She looked around her, trying to find the source of the sound. She realized it was the family of five seated next to her.

They were laughing. She immediately locked eye contact with the father. The sparkle in his hazel eyes made her shiver. He reminded her of her ex-husband and all the memories rushed back.

Her expression grew cold and she put her Alfredo to the side for she had lost her appetite. She smirked as she approached the family’s table. The family was confused, staring as she walked towards them.

All of a sudden, Tristesse began to cough, resembling the cough of those with COVID-19. The family got up and moved away from Tristesse, but she followed them. Both the familiar father and mother covered their children’s mouths with Red Lobster napkins while Tristesse continued coughing on them, pushing the family into the corner.

Hazel Eyes signaled for Dave who immediately grabbed Tristesse’s elbow to escort her from the restaurant. She willingly obeyed, knowing she had succeeded at disturbing the joyous family just for a moment. She paid for her food by dropping $50 cash on the parking lot pavement and left, driving away in her expensive car, heading towards her desolate studio apartment.