The King by Parker Mageropoulos, Class of 2026

The King's Throne
by Marissa Petersen, Class of 2026

Once upon a time, in a kingdom of old,

There lived a bored king, quite monotone,

He sat on his throne, day in and day out,

Enveloped by dullness, nowt to cry about.

He longed for something different, something unknown,

To break the monotony of what he’d perceived.

He dreamt of lush landscapes with emerald trees,

And sparkling jewels fit for his foreseen eminence.

But alas, not a thing altered as time passed,

And the king's spirits continued to die.

Until one day, a wise man wandered to his majesty,

And said, "My lord, let me teach you how to live."

Crown Of Greed
by Reinaldo Ramos, Class of 2026

Dear Majesty with piercing green eyes

Wearing the Crown Of Greed with matching colored jewels

His elegant attire reveals what has been done to acquire

His subjects fear for what he may demand

His steps are bold, his demeanor commanding

As he looks out upon his felonious kingdom so grand

For it seems no amount of wiz and biz can ever fill his hand.

His expression shows he's ready for more of what is not his.