Shadows of the Ring by Arthur Ignatious

Imaginary Encounters
by Brayden Berning, Class of 2026

Stalin vs. Trump Boxing Match

The thought of Joseph Stalin and Donald Trump going head to head in a boxing match is both intriguing and disturbing. 

Stalin's infamy as one of history's most brutal dictators contrasted with Trump's controversial tenure as the 45th U.S. president creates a dramatic backdrop for their hypothetical bout. Both men have cultivated an image of themselves as dominant, uncompromising figures who are not to be underestimated. Stalin was notorious for his ruthless tactics, including imprisoning and executing those who crossed him. Meanwhile, Trump has been known for his sharp tongue and confrontational approach throughout his political career. If these two were to face off in the ring, it would undoubtedly be a tense showdown that would captivate the world -- but one cannot help but wonder what kind of damage could be inflicted by such aggressive forces meeting face-to-face.


FDR and Kim Jong Un: Man to Man

Franklin Delano Roosevelt and Kim Jong Un talk about destroying the world.

Well, it's quite a scenario, isn't it? FDR and Kim Jong Un are sitting down to chat about their plans for world destruction. One can only imagine the conversation would be awkward. Knowing Roosevelt, it is highly doubted he'd be on board with such a ludicrous plan. The man led America through two of its toughest periods -- the Great Depression and World War II -- so he knew a thing or two about preserving and protecting the world. 

As for Kim Jong Un, his penchant for nuclear weapons has given people enough anxiety to last a lifetime. Any discussion involving these two would go something like this:

FDR: "Kimmy boy, why on earth would you want to destroy the world?" 

Kim Jong Un: "Because...I can?" 

FDR: "That's not an acceptable answer, Son."