Harlequin I and Harlequin II by Parker Mageropoulos, Class of 2026

Harlequin Choice
by Derriona Truttling, Class of 2026

Clown or grim.

Dark or bright.

Costume or nude.

The choice is yours.

Faceless or bold.

Mysterious or powerful.

Independent or leader.

Obnoxious or glamorous.

All or none.

All of the above. 


Beware the Jester
by Abbigale Antoine, Class of 2026

Beware the jester with a menacing grin

Her eyes are piercing and her thoughts sin

Against the gray backdrop, she moves with glee

Her gold serpent enthralls, no one can flee

Her laugh is blood-curdling, her touch is cold

Her victims shiver, as their fate is told

For she's here for the soul, to take control

This creepy jester will claim her toll.


The Silent Jester
by Ralphie Sorenson, Class of 2026

A jester in black, white, and blue,

Its empty, dark eyes staring through and through

No mouth to speak, yet so many words to say

Its painted face on constant display and replay-replay-replay

Its colors bold, its presence grand,

Yet silence is its only brand

Demanding to understand and withstand

The figure both eerie and surreal,

A jester with secrets it can’t reveal or even steal.