Angler Fish by Parker Mageropoulos, Class of 2026

On the Dock
by Stephanie Cuevas, Class of 2026

In a corrupt system, judging as third-point-of-view

Stereotyping tattoos and lifestyles and class and style. An empty place

Where human flaws are amplified. No moral perception can be traced

It's only someone just trying to survive but others are blind. But who are we to judge? Right? 

To stereotype, and to condemn? We all have our scars, our flaws, and our grudges, 

But we still muddle through normal.


The View
by Jason Freeman, Class of 2026

An adventurous man in search of peace,

Looks up at the blue sky with ease and

The sunny view fills him with joy.

In the sky, hazy clouds float by,

Like a painter's brush and 

The man finds solace in this view

And feels the peace that comes anew.

His heart is light, his spirit high,

Adventures await, as he glances at the sky

In this peaceful, sunny view, and he's truly happy.


Just Be
by Alexis Quade, Class of 2026

Upon the weathered pier he sits alone,

Beneath a canvas of a setting sun,

Where hues of gold and orange gently blend,

Where waves caress the shore,

Loneliness haunts his heart evermore 

His gaze is fixed upon the endless blue

Lost in thoughts, a silent reverie,

A tranquil moment, time suspended still,

As nature's beauty whispers "Just be."