Text description of Key Shifts: Learner Outcomes image
This graphic is titled Key Shifts: Learner Outcomes. It has two columns; this first labeled School-Centered and the second labeled "Learner-Centered". Each cell in each row of the first column points to the corresponding cell in the second column.
First row shows the text "Focus on seat time" in the School-Centered column pointing to the text "Focus on competencies" in the Learner-Centered column.
Second row shows the text "Success is measured by GPA and standardized test scores" in the School-Centered column pointing to the text "Success is measured by goals and evidence" in the Learner-Centered column.
Third row shows the text "Priority is academics" in the School-Centered column pointing to the text "Priority is whole-learner: knowledge + skills + habits" in the Learner-Centered column.
Fourth row shows the text "Focus is on the individual" in the School-Centered column pointing to the text "Focus is on the individual and collective aspirations" in the Learner-Centered column.
Fifth row shows the text "Assessment is designed to sort and select" in the School-Centered column pointing to the text "Assessment is designed to inform learning" in the Learner-Centered column.
Sixth row shows the text "Learners follow a standardized path to success" in the School-Centered column pointing to the text "Learners navigate their path to success" in the Learner-Centered column.