Welcome to Seaview Music!

Welcome to the Seaview Elementary Music page! This site is for all news and updates related to K - 6 music at the school. There will be posts about what we're learning and monthly updates. Check your child's grade page to see what they've been up to lately, or anything they've missed!

Winter Concert

In November and December, students worked hard preparing their virtual Winter Concert! Congratulations to them and all their hard work! Here's a link to the video concert: https://sites.google.com/learn68.ca/seaviewlearninghub/home?authuser=0


My name is Mr. Hamblett (or Mr. H), and I'm the music teacher at Seaview Elementary for the next little while until Ms. Raducu returns. I teach music at Seaview on Tuesdays and Fridays. We're finally back in the music room now, and the students are very excited about that. Also, we're still doing extra hand hygiene to keep our hands clean and our bodies safe! The school has been so welcoming and I'm looking forward to getting to know the school community over the next little while!

-John Hamblett (aka Mr. Hamblett or Mr. H)

A photo of my face, because you won't see it with my mask on at school!