Mrs. Armstrong

Physical Science -Chemistry, Physics, Engineering

Mission: To create a student experience that grows academic understanding, critical thinking , tech skills, and teamwork while "doing" science.

Welcome to Mrs. Armstrong's 8th Grade Physical Science Class. It promises to be another exciting year of investigating the world through chemistry, physics, and the engineering process. The standards are found in the New Generation Science Standards designed to support Science and Engineering Practices, critical thinking with Crosscutting Concepts, and the the CA State Education and Environmental Initiative -highlighting the deep relationship between humans and the natural world.

A new emphasis for this year is building executive skills through academic experiences. The Guiding Principles for this Classroom Environment is intended to support an outstanding learning environment for all.

A little about me. I have 20+ years as a middle school science teacher. This is my 19th year at Los Cerritos Middle School. Additionally, my husband and I are parents to 5 children (4 boys & one girl) and have 8 grandchildren ranging from 4-18 years of age. I strive to create the most effective environment for every child who is in my class. I'm fortunate to be teaching and doing what I love!

This site is designed to inform students and families about daily activities as well as out of classroom responsibilities. I am looking forward to a successful year with the class of 2019-2020.

Rita Armstrong