

Kindergarten - 6th Grade

Supplemental, Enrichment, Intervention

Product: Matific

Company: Matific USA Inc

Company Overview - Products/Services: Matific is an online K-6 supplemental mathematics resource aligned to CCSS, CA CCSSM, TEKS, and other curricula across the USA (and globally). With a repository of educational games, interactive worksheets, and teaching tools, Matific is designed to support the teaching and learning of elementary school mathematics. The platform provides 40+ different languages and 48 dialects to support multilingual and ELL students, parents and educators.

Product Design - Problem Statement: One size does not fit all learners, including multi-language learners. Deep conceptual understanding is critical to a fundamental foundation for math education. Skill deficiencies often go unnoticed, causing frustration, loss of confidence, low competency levels, manifesting in a fear of math.

Grade-Level Focus: Kindergarten - 6th Grade

Matific is now offering 60-day complimentary access to all schools and governments worldwide:

Compatible Devices:

Android Tablets

Android Smartphones

Chrome OS

iOS Tablets (iPads)

iOS Smartphones (iPhones/iPads)

OS X (Mac)

Windows 7

Windows 8

Windows 10

Evidence of Effectiveness:

Study 1: The Matific impact was studied independently by associate professor Catherine Attard, an expert in primary mathematics education. The study - Research Evaluation of Matific Mathematics Learning Resources Sept 2016 - for grades 1 to 6 acknowledges careful scaffolding built into each episode (concept) promotes the development of deeper conceptual understanding. The Attard study reported an average of 34% increase in mathematics test results, tracking eight different schools (click HERE to view video about the Attard study).

Study 2: During the 2016-2017 school year, SEG Measurement conducted a year-long study to evaluate the effectiveness of Matific, an instructional application designed to teach K to 6 math. Approximately 1477 grade two and three students enrolled in the Hampton City school district of Virginia participated in the study.

Students in classes using the Matific program improved their math skills significantly more than students in classes receiving instruction without Matific. The overall effect size was .19, the effect size for grade two was .24 and the effect size for grade three was .13.

This information is considered private and confidential, not for distribution or disclosure.

Product Integration - Weekly Usage Recommendations:

Student Usage: 15-60 minutes

Student Progression: Students are encouraged to work at their own pace. Dependent on the number of activities in the course for the year and the competency levels of the individual students, it is recommended to complete the course work at a pace that will ensure completion.

Teacher Engagement: Depending on class size, initial setup could take up to 1 hour. After that, depending on class size and teacher preferences, task assignments could only take minutes. Matific now has an intelligent and intuitive feature that automatically assigns content for students. With one click to approve the recommended auto-assigned tasks, tasks are assigned or can be manually adjusted. Finally, with drill down capability, and color-coded reports, the teacher is quickly directed to where their attention is required. This monitoring of student progress and possible reassignment of tasks only takes minutes per day.

Learner Focused

Matific - Learner Focused - updated.mp4

Learner Led

Matific - Learner Led.mp4

Learner Demonstrated

Matific - Learner Demonstrated - updated.mp4

Learner Connected

Matific - Learner Connected - updated.mp4
tag:supplemental tag:enrichment tag:intervention tag:math tag:kindergarten tag:1st tag:2nd tag:3rd tag:4th tag:5th tag:6th tag:0-30min tag:30-60min

Contact Matific by phone at 646-490-0966 or: