

3rd - 12th Grade

Core Curriculum, Supplemental, Enrichment

Product: Writable

Company: Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company

Company Overview - Products/Services: HMH is a global learning company specializing in world-class content, services, and cutting-edge technology solutions that enable learning in a changing landscape. We provide dynamic, engaging, and effective solutions across a variety of media and in three key focus areas: K-12, early learning, and beyond the classroom.

Product Design - Problem Statement: Writable was designed to address students' low proficiency in writing and problems related to teachers' prep time, experience in writing instruction, and constraints on time for delivering feedback.

Writable addresses both pedagogy and time constraints through a multi-pronged feedback system.

Grade-Level Focus: 3rd Grade, 5th Grade - 12th Grade

Compatible Devices:

Android Tablets

Chrome OS

iOS Tablets (iPads)

OS X (Mac)

Windows 7

Windows 8

Windows 10

Evidence of Effectiveness:

Our pedagogy and relevant research, written by Writable academic advisor, Dr. Troy Hicks, can be reviewed by accessing the link below.

A study conducted in a large urban school district in New Britain, Connecticut found that students who used Writable experienced 1.7 times higher growth in their writing scores than students who had not used Writable.

Product Integration - Weekly Usage Recommendations:

Student Usage: 60 minutes

Student Progression: As Writable is a highly customizable, expectations for completion times are decided by teachers. Custom metrics in Writable provide data displayed for individual assignment/assessment, category, skill, and standard on the teacher dashboard.

Teacher Engagement: Using Writable (both the program-agnostic edition and the program-specific and Writable + Collections edition) planning and assigning only takes minutes. Teachers who do long-term planning or extensive customizations may spend more time on planning. If, for example, a teacher creates a two-to-three-week unit plan and makes extensive customizations to the content, the planning time may extend to 30-45 minutes, on average.

Learner Focused


Learner Led


Learner Demonstrated

Writable-LEAP-Learner Demonstrated.mp4

Learner Connected

tag:supplemental tag:enrichment tag:ELA tag:reading tag:3rd tag:4th tag:5th tag:6th tag:7th tag:8th tag:9th tag:10th tag:11th tag:12th tag:30-60min