Lexia Core5 Reading


PreK - 5th Grade

Supplemental, Enrichment, Intervention

Product: Lexia® Core5® Reading

Company: Lexia Learning, A Rosetta Stone Company

Company Overview - Products/Services: Lexia designs, develops, and researches adaptive programs to assess and develop literacy skills. Lexia also provides professional development services for K-12 schools and districts to support the use of their online programs and offline instructional materials.

Product Design - Problem Statement: Lexia Core5 provides differentiated literacy instruction for students of all abilities in PK-5. Lexia Core5 provides explicit, systematic, personalized learning in the six areas of reading instruction and provides teachers with the data and student-specific resources they need for individual or small-group instruction.

Grade-Level Focus: Early Childhood - 5th Grade

Compatible Devices:

Android Tablets

Android Smartphones

Chrome OS

iOS Tablets (iPads)

iOS Smartphones (iPhones/iPads)

OS X (Mac)

Windows 7

Windows 8

Windows 10

Evidence of Effectiveness:

Lexia’s rigorous research portfolio of studies published over the past 15 years meets the highest levels of evidence under ESSA needed to evaluate instructional programs.

Product Integration - Weekly Usage Recommendations:

Student Usage: 20-80 minutes

Student Progression: Student progress through Core5 varies significantly and is dependent on student placement and their performance. A students' rate of progress through the scope and sequence is developmentally driven and movement form one level to the next is a mastery based progression.

Teacher Engagement: Teacher time commitments for data access and planning typically range from 10 to 30 minutes per week. Additional instructional time will be required to provide direct instruction as needed to individual students and small groups based upon their needs.

Learner Focused

2018 LEAP Videos - Core5 - Learner Focused.mp4

Learner Led

2018 LEAP Videos - Core5 - Learner Led.mp4

Learner Demonstrated

2018 LEAP Videos - Core5 - Learner Demonstrated.mp4

Learner Connected

2018 LEAP Videos - Core5 - Learner Connected.mp4
tag:supplemental tag:enrichment tag:ELA tag:reading tag:preschool tag:kindergarten tag:1st tag:2nd tag:3rd tag:4th tag:5th tag:other tag:0-30min tag:30-60min tag:60-90min