

PreK - 12th Grade

Core, Supplemental, Enrichment, Intervention

Product: Achieve3000 Literacy

Company: Achieve 3000, Inc.

Company Overview - Products/Services: Achieve3000 partners with educators to deliver a comprehensive suite of digital solutions that significantly accelerate literacy and deepen learning across the content areas. Achieve3000 Literacy, our differentiated solution for grades 2-12, drives equity in schools by enabling teachers to help all students achieve up to 3X expected literacy growth. For more than four million students in grades PreK-12, we provide remote learning, improve high-stakes test performance, and support college and career readiness through our solutions: Achieve3000 Literacy, Achieve3000 Math, Actively Learn, and Smarty Ants.

Product Design - Problem Statement: Rigorous state standards have resulted in challenging expectations for students. As a result, educators must find ways to help all students succeed regardless of their academic readiness. Achieve3000 Literacy solves this problem by providing differentiated content and scaffolded instruction that has been proven to yield accelerated Lexile gains.

Grade-Level Focus: PreK - 12th Grade

Compatible Devices:

Android Tablet

Android Smartphone

Chrome OS

iOS Tablet (iPad)

iOS Smartphone (iPhone/iPad)


Windows 7

Windows 8

Windows 10


Evidence of Effectiveness:

Achieve3000 Literacy is proven effective at building literacy skills and increasing literacy gains for all students. The efficacy of our product is demonstrated by third party studies, showing how Achieve3000 Literacy's differentiated instruction has helped students double or triple their expected Lexile gains. Magnolia Consulting, an independent, third-party evaluator, assessed the impact of Achieve3000 Literacy on student learning during the 2014-2015 school year. The 1,012 participating students were measured at the beginning and end of the school year using the Gates MacGinitie Reading Test, fourth edition (GMRT-4). The researchers concluded that Achieve3000 Literacy users made significant gains during the school year and performed better than students using their traditional ELA curriculum. Students who used Achieve3000 Literacy during the 2014-2015 school year demonstrated statistically significant and substantively important gains on the GMRT-4's Vocabulary, Reading Comprehension, and Total Reading measures (effect sizes of 0.43, 0.47, 0.48, respectively). To view the research report, please click here:

The organization Center for Research and Reform in Education (CRRE) at Johns Hopkins University School of Education has recognized Achieve3000 Literacy for providing "strong evidence" of efficacy for middle and high school students and "promising evidence" of efficacy for elementary school students on its Evidence for ESSA (Every Student Succeeds Act) website. The rating of "strong evidence" is the highest rating on the Evidence for ESSA rating scale. Please read more information about the Achieve3000 Literacy Evidence for ESSA rating here:

In addition to these results, our effectiveness studies consistently show significant Lexile gains for students using Achieve3000 solutions, as demonstrated below by data from our National Lexile Study. Please download the study here:

Product Integration - Weekly Usage Recommendations:

Student Usage: 60 minutes per week

Student Progression: Research has demonstrated that in order to double or even triple expected Lexile gains, students must complete at least 80 activities over the course of the year with average scores of 75% correct or higher on the first try with multiple choice activities.

Teacher Engagement: Achieve3000 Literacy is designed to help teachers cut down on planning time so they have more time to focus on the content and curriculum. The Teacher Edition allows educators and administrators to schedule lessons at the pace and timing of their choice. Minimally, teacher involvement during student independent work involves setting the stage for the lesson with the class. The primary role of the teacher is to hold students accountable to completing work with fidelity as they work through the 5-Step Routine. For teachers looking to expand instruction, point-of-use Teacher Recommendations are available for each step in the 5-Step Literacy Routine. These recommendations help teachers promote discussion among students, encourage close reading, provide guidance for good test taking skills, and more. After independent work is complete, teachers can challenge students to interact with the Stretch Article, which is the grade-appropriate text. Here, students can employ the same reading strategies they used in their independent work. Teachers can facilitate whole-class discussions using the Discussion Questions in the Teacher Recommendations, and they can ensure that students use academic vocabulary and display appropriate listening/speaking behaviors.

tag:ELA tag:core tag:supplemental tag:enrichment tag:intervention tag:preK tag:kindergarten tag:1st tag:2nd tag:3rd tag:4th tag:5th tag:6th tag:7th tag:8th tag:9th tag:10th tag:11th tag:12th tag:30-60min tag:60-90min

Contact Achieve3000 by phone at 877-235-2525 or: