
Astreia Griggs


PHONE: 512-570-3335

Hello! My name is Astreia Griggs, and I am the librarian at Running Brushy Middle School. I have been in education since 2005. I previously taught in Arlington ISD, Grand Prairie ISD, Fort Worth ISD. I was the librarian in AISD before coming to Running Brushy MS. 

I love learning all kinds of crafts. My current craft obsessions are crocheting, cross stitch and sewing. 

Of course I love reading. If there's not a physical book in my hand, I'm reading on my Kindle or listening to an audiobook.

My kids have transferred their love of anime and manga to me. I also love Legos and watching movies. 

Libraries are a dear place for me. I want to create a space where all feel welcome to learn, create, explore, wonder, connect and read. So whether you're looking for your next favorite book or want to learn origami or find a place to put a puzzle together. I've here for you!