Spotlight of the Week

"Spotlight" of the Week

Each child will be the "Spotlight" of the week for one week of the school year. This is a time for your child to share some personal information with the class and bring a show and share item from home. Next week is your child's turn. I'm sure your child is going to enjoy his/her special week.

Info for your child’s week:

Monday: Information Page. Your child will get this on the Friday before they are the Spotlight. Please help your child complete the information page. It's important for the student to do the writing, but you may help them. Have fun with it!

Tuesday: Estimation Jar. In a container that I will provide, you may put any amount of items (i.e. stickers, pennies, cotton balls, etc.**be creative**). Please have your child count these items with you and write the number on a piece of paper along with the range. Remind them it is a secret!! Keep the range within 20 numbers of the actual count. For example, if there are 35 items, the range could be between 30-50. We will estimate the amount and then count them. Please keep the amount of items under 100.

Wednesday: Show and Share. Your child may bring in something special to show the class. Some children have brought in a special toy, stuffed animal, pictures of their pets, a collection, etc.

Thursday: Read a book. Have your child choose a "short" book that they can read by themselves (can be a book that they retell by looking at pictures if needed). Practice throughout the week so that they'll be ready to read by Thursday.

Friday: Count and select the next "Spotlight"! Your child will count their estimation jar items with the class. The student that has the closest estimation will be our new Spotlight for the next week. This is also a make up day in case they may have missed a day.

**If your schedule permits, you may also join your child for lunch or pack something special for lunch one of the days this week!