Gifted and Talented (QUEST)

What is "QUEST"?

Check out this great video that the FSMS Quest Students made!

“QUEST” is an acronym for Quality Utilization and Enrichment of Student Talents. 

Leander ISD’s QUEST Program is designed to meet the needs of identified gifted students who have demonstrated above-average ability in the following two areas of giftedness as defined by the Texas State Plan for the Gifted: 1) high general-intellectual ability at the 95th percentile; and, 2) creative and productive thinking. 

In grades 6 – 8, QUEST students participate in a daily Pre-AP QUEST Studies course. Students take this course as their extension class option.  The QUEST curriculum is designed to provide challenging learning opportunities for identified QUEST students. QUEST students receive advanced instruction in an interdisciplinary gifted curriculum, utilizing Pre-AP teaching strategies.

How do I get into QUEST?

Students must go through the LISD testing process to be identified as a QUEST student and enroll in the course.  The district provides testing opportunities during the school year.  If you are a student who is currently in QUEST, you may choose to stay in QUEST without further testing.

What if I have been tested at my previous school?

If you have been identified as "gifted and talented" at your prior school, please bring all documentation to our FSMS registrar. Upon receipt, our registrar will send your student's testing information to Kathy Wood who will review the tests conducted. She will then determine if LISD reciprocates fully or if more testing is required.

For more information visit the LISD QUEST website