Professional SMART Goal

By Spring, students in grade _______ will improve their communication skills by 5% based on

standardized assessments and CBMs.

Goal Strategies


Students will be more aware of their overall communication goals and progress. I will

review what communication skill(s) we will be working on, and then at the end of the session,

have each student tell what was targeted. I will use progress monitoring checks at least once

per quarter to assess student progress and review progress individually with each student their

progress made each quarter.

Goal Outcome


All students in _______grade will increase their communication skills by 5%. 

Goal Evidence


Students scores on curriculum based measures, informal measures, probes, and standardized assessments.

How Goal Affects Student Growth


 It will increase the student’s ability to communicate with others

and increase a student’s comprehension and expression during reading/ELA instruction/writing.


Assessing Student Needs

Delivering Instruction