Self- Contained SLO

SLO for Self-Contained Multi-Categorical, Moderate (TMD), and Severe (PMD)

I. Student Population and Baseline: (Student Specific)

  1. What do I already know about the students in my focus class?

  2. What do I know about the support my students will need to be successful in this class/content area?

II. Priority Standard and Learning Objectives.

Priority Standards:

Pre-K: SE-4K-1.2; SE-4K-4.5; ELA-4K-3.6; ELA-4K-6.4

K-12: Communication/Meaning and Context Standards 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 1.5, 2.2, 3.2

Alignment to SC Graduate: World Class Skills: Communication, Information, Media and Technology.

Students will learn self-advocacy skills and be able to communicate their needs.

Related to the priority standard(s) or competency (what should they be able to do at the end of the SLO interval):

Students will improve their communication skills by increasing their independence in active and attentive listening and/or speaking. (Common Goal)

What evidence of growth will tell me that a student has met this learning objective?

Pre and Post Assessments: (Pick appropriate to your students)

Brigance Inventory of Early Development III… D. Language Development

Brigance Inventory of Basic Skill II… B1 Speech

Brigance Transition Skills Inventory…B. Active Listening/Speaking Skills.


Communication Skills Progression Matrix

Pre Assessment: Based on the above data, teachers will establish a goal for each student (if the child does not already have a communication goal) and align their instruction to advance students in sequential order based on typical age milestones. Teacher will then record/track progress/regression toward the goal.

Post Assessment: Growth of at least one data point in sequential order based on typical age milestones for both assessments.

III. Instructional Strategies

(This section should be individualized)

IV. Mid Course

(This section should be individualized)

V. End of the Year Conference Reflection

(This section should be individualized)

Professional Growth:

(This section should be individualized)