Contact Me!


Phone: 803-283-8471

About Me

Hello! My name is Carol Anderson. I am the reading interventionist and MTSS coordinator at Brooklyn Springs Elementary School. This is my twelfth year teaching and second year at BSES. 

I am originally from Connecticut. I moved to North Carolina when I completed my masters at East Carolina University. After completing my masters, I taught in North Carolina for two years. My second year of teaching, we moved to Bahrain on military orders. My husband and I lived there for two years and I taught at Shaikha Hessa Girls' School. After my husband's deployment, we moved to South Carolina and we have been here since. 

I currently have my master's degree in the art of teaching, English to Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL) certification, Gifted and Talented (GT) certification, literacy coach endorsement, and reading specialist endorsement. 

I live in Rock Hill with my husband, two dogs (Penny and Porthos), and chinchilla (Phoebe). We love traveling the world and learning about different languages and cultures. When we are not traveling, you can often find me hiking or curled up with a good book. If you need anything, please feel free to call the school or email me!