Other HS Courses Offered 

Advanced Placement Seminar

Course Code 099900

Grade(s): 10-12  

1 Credit

Prerequisite: None

Elective This foundational course provides students with opportunities to think critically and creatively, research, explore, pose solutions, develop arguments, collaborate, and communicate using various media. Students explore real-world issues through a variety of lenses and consider multiple points of view to develop deep understanding of complex issues as they make connections between these issues and their own lives. This elective course is available to students in grades 10-12 and could be taught in a variety of disciplines. This course is the prerequisite to AP Research.


Advanced Placement Research

Course Code 099901

Grade(s): 11-12  

1 Credit

Prerequisite: AP Seminar

Elective Students design, plan, and conduct a yearlong research-based investigation on a topic of individual interest. Through this inquiry and investigation, students demonstrate the ability to apply scholarly understanding to real-world problems and issues.

Basic Skills

Course Code 080040

Grade(s): 9-12  

1 Credit

Basic Skills

Course Code 080045

Grade(s): 9-12

0.5 Credits per semester; may be taken two semesters per year

Prerequisite: None

Graded as a Pass or Fail, not used in Cumulative Grade Point Average

Elective Basic Skills is an elective course for special education students receiving resource or self-contained services for a full period and who require more intensive work on identified needs as noted in the Individualized Education Plan (IEP).


Students are introduced to a variety of strategies and techniques to enable them to better achieve in school. Strategies and techniques may include time management, study skills, note taking, and self-advocacy, based on the student’s needs. The teacher may use one or more content areas (e.g., language arts, mathematics, science) to teach students how to adapt these strategies and techniques to different situations. Because this is a developmental course, Basic Skills may be retaken for credit each semester for up to four years.


Education for Employment I

Course Code 813001

Grade(s): 9-11  

1 Credit

Prerequisite: None

Elective This course teaches students to make informed career and continuing education choices as they transition from school, gain technical skills, and adapt to the workplace. Students are taught ethical behaviors and career research, job acquisition, workplace communication, self-awareness, self-advocacy, customer service, and life skills. This course offers students integrated labor market needs through an applied employment education format. 

This course counts as an elective, career and technical education credit.

The option for the next course is Education for Employment II.


Education for Employment II

Course Code 813002

Grade(s): 10-12  

1 Credit

Prerequisite: Education for Employment I

Elective This course continues to teach students to make informed career and continuing education choices as they transition from school, gain technical skills, and adapt to the workplace. Students are taught to apply ethical behaviors and career research, job-acquisition, workplace communication, self-awareness, self-advocacy, customer service, and life skills. This course offers practical learning opportunities for students to enter the workforce with acquired workplace readiness skills and knowledge and to create economic opportunities.

This course counts as an elective, career and technical education credit.

The industry credential associated with the course is: Workplace Readiness Skills

Student Leadership

Course Code: 077000

Grade(s): 10-12

1 Credit

Prerequisite: none

Elective This course is designed to develop personal leadership skills and an understanding of group processes in a democratic society. It seeks to foster in students a better understanding of themselves and their capacity for leadership; to create an understanding of the importance of leadership in a democratic society; and to prepare students to assume leadership roles in the school and community. Students address current school and community needs by working collaboratively on real-world tasks such as needs assessments, project planning, project implementation, and presentations. The course is adaptable across various student populations and is especially appropriate for student body officers, organizational leaders, class officers, and any student who aspires to a leadership position. Areas to be addressed include Knowledge of Self and Others, Human Relations Skills, Organizational Skills, and Responsible Citizenship.