IB SP Courses

These SP courses stand for Special Programs and are used at our IB schools to provide pathways for students to be able to access the IB curriculum in 11th and 12th grade. 

Environmental Science SP

Course Code: 657000

Grade(s): 9

1 Credit

Prerequisite: None

Environmental Science (SP) is firmly grounded in both a scientific exploration of environmental systems in their structure and function, and in the exploration of cultural, economic, ethical, political and social interactions of societies with the environment. As a result of studying this course, students will become equipped with the ability to recognize and evaluate the impact of our complex system of societies on the natural world. The interdisciplinary nature of the course requires a broad skill set from students, including the ability to perform research and investigations, participation in philosophical discussion and problem-solving. The course requires a systems approach to environmental understanding and promotes holistic thinking about environmental issues.

Algebra I/Geometry SP

Course Code:  545000

Grade(s): 9-10

1 Credit

Prerequisite: Pre-Algebra (Mathematics 8)

Algebra I /Geometry incorporates concepts and skills necessary for students to pursue the study of rigorous advanced mathematics. The arithmetic properties of numbers are extended to include the development of the real number system. The combined study of plane, solid, and coordinate geometric concepts provide students with the skills necessary for the study of advanced mathematics. The fundamental concepts of equality, functions, multiple representations, probability, and data analysis guide the activities that allow students to enhance problem solving skills. 

Computers and graphing calculator technologies are incorporated into the curriculum in order to allow students opportunities to explore concepts, provide visual models to support the learning of algebraic and geometric concepts. Mathematical communication and reasoning are emphasized throughout the course.

Algebra II/Geometry SP

Course Code:  567000

Grade(s): 9-10

1 Credit

Prerequisite: Algebra I/Geometry SP

Algebra 2/ Geometry provides a thorough study of functions, including parent functions, families of functions, and transformational graphing. The study of plane, solid, and coordinate geometric concepts that provide students with the skills necessary for the study of advanced mathematics. Transformational graphing uses translations, reflections, dilations, and rotations to generate a family of graphs from a parent graph. This course will have a continued study of equations, systems of equations, inequalities, and systems of inequalities from Algebra1/Geometry.

Graphing calculators and other emerging technologies are incorporated into instruction to enhance teaching and learning. Mathematical communication, reasoning, problem solving, critical thinking, and multiple representations are emphasized throughout the course.

Modern World History SP 

Course Code:  744000

Grade(s): 9-10

1 Credit

Prerequisite: None

Today, individuals live in a global world that allows them to log on to a computer and talk live to other students in China, India, or South Africa. World History helps students understand how different societies developed the way they did and prepares students to live in a global, interconnected society.

In Pre-IB Modern World History, students expand their ability to think clearly and carefully about social and historical forces that have shaped the world. They compare the roles of different groups of people, including young people, in different times and places. They learn to think in an organized way to understand history and to express themselves in all forms of writing, both formal and informal. This course is designed to equip students with the skills they need in future IB History courses.

This course assists students in the study of modern human history by posing the questions: What changes and events have caused people to live the way they do today? What progress have humans made? What problems still exist today? What solutions to these problems can individuals of today offer?

AP US Government SP

Course Code:  761000

Grade(s): 10-12

1 Credit

Prerequisite: None

In AP US Government, students expand their ability to think clearly and carefully about the social and political forces that shape their lives. Concepts which are considered include life under a political system where people are "guilty until proven innocent" and what it would be like to have an election where each office had only one candidate; these are different interpretations of "democracy." In this class, students study the principles of government in the U.S. and the institutions and laws used to make government work.

Students have the opportunity to take the AP U.S. Government exams in May with the possibility of earning college credit.