World Language Course Descriptions

All public Virginia colleges and universities accept American Sign Language as fulfillment of the world language entrance requirement; however, some Virginia private colleges and out-of-state institutions of higher education do not accept American Sign Language courses for world language credit.

American Sign Language I (ASL)

Course Code 380000

American Sign Language I Virtual Loudoun Online

Course Code 380V00

Grade(s): 9-12  

1 Credit

Prerequisite: None

Students learn basic ASL vocabulary and acquire knowledge of the manual alphabet. They also study the history of American Sign Language and the Deaf culture. Expressive and receptive language skills are practiced within the context of meaningful and experiential activities related to home, school, and community environments.


American Sign Language II

Course Code 382000

Course Code 382V00 Virtual Loudoun Online

Course Code 382V00 Hybrid Virtual Distance Learning

Grade(s): 10-12

1 Credit

Prerequisite: ASL I

Building on the rudiments learned in ASL I, students expand their vocabulary and increase their proficiency in expressive and receptive conversational skills using more complex grammatical structures. Students continue their study of Deaf heritage and culture and are encouraged to interact with Deaf people.

This virtual course with Virtual Loudoun Online (VLO) is fully asynchronous and follows VLO Term dates annually. The hybrid version of this course offered by Virtual Distance Learning  is predominantly asynchronous with synchronous weekly meetings and follows the regular academic year calendar. 


American Sign Language III

Course Code 383000

Course Code 383V00 Virtual Loudoun Online

Course Code 383V00 Hybrid Virtual Distance Learning

Grade(s): 11-12  

1 Credit

Prerequisite: ASL II

Through spiraling of concepts, structures, and functions acquired in ASL II, students improve their skills in functional contexts. Students analyze authentic ASL literature such as storytelling, folklore, poetry, and drama. The study of the evolution of ASL and the maintenance of interpersonal relations with the Deaf community are an integral part of ASL III.

This virtual course with Virtual Loudoun Online (VLO) is fully asynchronous and follows VLO Term dates annually. The hybrid version of this course offered by Virtual Distance Learning  is predominantly asynchronous with synchronous weekly meetings and follows the regular academic year calendar. 


American Sign Language IV Honors

Course Code 384800

Course Code 38480V Hybrid Virtual Distance Learning

Grade(s): 11-12  

1 Credit

Prerequisite: ASL III or teacher recommendation

In this advanced level course, students develop communicative and interactive competencies in the language through the use of major ASL grammatical features and expand knowledge of the Deaf community culture. The course will focus on ASL literature by incorporating ASL story analysis and storytelling techniques such as space, role-shifting, classifiers, idiomatic expressions, and non-manual signals. Culture is learning through readings and classroom discussions on global themes and topics. Contact with the Deaf community is required once per quarter to enhance linguistic and cultural knowledge.

The virtual hybrid version of this course offered by Virtual Distance Learning is predominantly asynchronous with synchronous weekly meetings and follows the regular academic year calendar. 


American Sign Language DE

Course Code 384506

Grade(s): 11-12  

1 Credit

Prerequisite: ASL III or teacher recommendation

In this advanced level course, students develop communicative and interactive competencies in the language through the use of major ASL grammatical features and expand knowledge of the Deaf community culture. The course will focus on ASL literature by incorporating ASL story analysis and storytelling techniques such as space, role-shifting, classifiers, idiomatic expressions, and non-manual signals. Culture is learning through readings and classroom discussions on global themes and topics. Contact with the Deaf community is required once per quarter to enhance linguistic and cultural knowledge. This course awards 3 college credits. 

Pending enrollment this course may not be offered, offered concurrently, or offered virtually.


French I

Course Code 340000

Course Code 34100V Virtual Loudoun Online

Grade(s): 9-12  

1 Credit

Prerequisite: None

Students develop the ability to communicate about themselves and their immediate environment in French at the beginner-novice level by production basic language structures. This communication is evidenced in all four language skills: listening, speaking, reading, and writing. Listening and reading facilitate the ability to communicate orally and in writing.


French II

Course Code 342000

Course Code 34200V Virtual Loudoun Online

Grade(s): 9-12  

1 Credit

Prerequisite: French I

Students continue to develop proficiency in French at the intermediate-novice level in all four language skills: listening; speaking; reading; and writing. Listening and reading facilitate the ability to communicate orally and in writing. Students learn to function in real-life situations using more complex sentences and language structures. They also read material on familiar topics and produce short writing samples.


French III

Course Code 343000

Course Code 34300V Virtual Loudoun Online

Grade(s): 9-12  

1 Credit

Prerequisite: French II

Students continue to develop and refine their proficiency in French at an advanced-novice level, integrating all four language skills: listening, speaking, reading, and writing. Emphasis is placed on the ability to interact orally and in writing.


Students communicate using more complex language structures on a variety of topics, moving from concrete to more abstract concepts. At this level, students comprehend authentic materials to which they listen and read and are able to identify significant details when the topics are familiar.


French IV Honors

Course Code 344000

Grade(s): 10-12  

1 Credit

Prerequisite: French III

Students develop more sophisticated communication skills in French at an intermediate-low level integrating all four language skills: listening, speaking, reading, and writing. Emphasis is placed on the ability to interact orally and in writing. Emphasis is placed on the abilities to interact orally and in writing. Authentic language sources are emphasized at this level.

Students communicate using more complex language structures and express abstract ideas with reasonable fluency. Students are able to create and listen with understanding to reports and presentations. They are also able to describe, summarize and discuss selected AP global themes and topics.


French V Honors

Course Code 345000

Grade(s): 10-12  

1 Credit

Prerequisite: French IV Honors

Students in French V study AP global themes and topics using more sophisticated communication at an intermediate-mid level in all four language skills: listening, speaking, reading, and writing. Emphasis is placed on the ability to interact, persuade, compare, and contrast orally and in writing. Students study literary words as well as current and historical events representing the various geographical regions on the world where French is spoken.

Pending enrollment this course may not be offered, offered concurrently, or offered virtually.


French DE

Course Code 346006

Grade(s): 11-12

1 Credit

Prerequisite: French IV

Students in French DE study AP global themes and topics using more sophisticated communication at an intermediate-mid level in all four language skills: listening, speaking, reading and writing. Emphasis is placed on the abilities to interact, persuade, compare, and contrast orally and in writing. Students study literary works as well as current and historical events representing the various geographical regions of the world where French is spoken. This course awards 6 college credits.

Pending enrollment this course may not be offered, offered concurrently, or offered virtually.


AP French Language and Culture

Course Code 345100

Grade(s): 10-12  

1 Credit

Prerequisite: French V Honors

AP French is holistically designed to offer students a proficiency-based, rigorous college-level experience. This culminating course in French increases student potential in interpretive, interpersonal, and presentational modes in the six global course themes: Global Challenges; Personal and Public Identities; Contemporary Life; Science and Technology; Beauty and Aesthetics; and Families and Communities.


Students build greater fluency in their language skills by developing comprehension and comprehensibility, a rich vocabulary, language control, communication strategies, and cultural awareness. Students are expected to communicate cultural awareness. Students are expected to communicate entirely in French as they compare and contrast French cultures with their personal communities and connect their studies with other disciplines in their high school curricula. Students have the opportunity to take the AP French exam in May with the possibility of earning college credit.

Pending enrollment this course may not be offered, offered concurrently, or offered virtually.

German I

Course Code 370000

Course Code 37100V Virtual Loudoun Online

Grade(s): 9-12  

1 Credit

Prerequisite: None

Students develop the ability to communicate about themselves and their immediate environment in German at the beginner-novice level by producing basic language structures. This communication is evidenced in all four language skills: listening; speaking; reading; and writing. Listening and reading facilitate the ability to communicate orally and in writing.


German II

Course Code 372000

Course Code 37200V Virtual Loudoun Online

Grade(s): 9-12  

1 Credit

Prerequisite: German I

Students continue to develop proficiency in German at the intermediate-novice level in all four language skills: listening; speaking; reading; and writing. Listening and reading facilitate the ability to communicate orally and in writing.


Students learn to function in real-life situations using more complex sentences and language structures. They also read material on familiar topics and produce short writing samples.


German III

Course Code 373000

Grade(s): 9-12  

1 Credit

Prerequisite: German II

Students continue to develop and refine their proficiency in German at an advanced-novice level, integrating all four language skills: listening; speaking; reading; and writing. Emphasis is placed on the ability to interact orally and in writing.


Students communicate using more complex language structures on a variety of topics, moving from concrete to more abstract concepts. At this level, students comprehend authentic materials to which they listen and read and are able to identify significant details when the topics are familiar.


German IV Honors

Course Code 374000

Grade(s): 10-12  

1 Credit

Prerequisite: German III

Students develop more sophisticated communication skills in German at an intermediate-low level, integrating all four language skills: listening; speaking; reading; and writing. Emphasis is placed on the abilities to interact orally and in writing. Authentic language sources are used at this level. Students communicate using more complex language structures and express abstract ideas with reasonable fluency. Students are able to create and listen with understanding to reports and presentations in German. They are also able to describe, summarize, and discuss selected AP global themes and topics.


German V Honors

Course Code 375000

Grade(s): 10-12  

1 Credit

Prerequisite: German IV Honors

Students study selected AP global themes and topics using more sophisticated communication at an intermediate-mid level in all four language skills: listening, speaking, reading, and writing. Emphasis is placed on the ability to interact, persuade, compare, and contrast orally and in writing. Students study literary words as well as current and historical events representing the various geographical regions on the world where German is spoken.

Pending enrollment this course may not be offered, offered concurrently, or offered virtually.


German DE

Course Code 376006

Grade(s): 11-12  

1 Credit

Prerequisite: German IV Honors

Students in German DE study selected AP global themes and topics using more sophisticated communication in German at an intermediate-mid-level in all four language skills: listening, speaking, reading, and writing. Emphasis is placed on the abilities to interact, persuade, compare, and contrast both orally and in writing. Students study literary works as well as current and historical events representing the various geographical regions of the world where German is spoken. This course awards 6 college credits.

Pending enrollment this course may not be offered, offered concurrently, or offered virtually.


AP German Language and Culture

Course Code 375100

Grade(s): 10-12  

1 Credit

Prerequisite: German V Honors

AP German is holistically designed to offer students a proficiency-based, rigorous college-level experience. This culminating course in German increases student potential in interpretive, interpersonal, and presentational modes in the six global course themes: Global Challenges; Personal and Public Identities; Contemporary Life; Science and Technology; Beauty and Aesthetics; and Families and Communities.


Students build greater fluency in their language skills by developing comprehension and comprehensibility, a rich vocabulary, language control, communication strategies, and cultural awareness. Students are expected to communicate cultural awareness. Students are expected to communicate entirely in German as they compare and contrast German cultures with their personal communities and connect their studies with other disciplines in their high school curricula. Students have the opportunity to take the AP German exam in May with the possibility of earning college credit.

Pending enrollment this course may not be offered, offered concurrently, or offered virtually.


Latin I

Course Code 350000

Course Code 35100V Virtual Loudoun Online

Grade(s): 9-12  

1 Credit

Prerequisite: None

This course explores basic Latin grammar and vocabulary and develops the skills necessary to read elementary Latin texts. The linguistic nature of the course is supplemented by a general overview of Greco-Roman civilization, including history, daily life and mythology. English derivatives are emphasized to show the influence of Latin upon the English language and to contribute to the growth of each student’s personal vocabulary.


Latin II

Course Code 352000

Course Code 35200V Virtual Loudoun Online

Grade(s): 9-12  

1 Credit

Prerequisite: Latin I

Students review material from Latin I, learn intermediate grammar and vocabulary, and continue to develop skills necessary to read Latin texts. They expand their understanding of Greco-Roman civilization and English derivatives.


Latin III

Course Code 353000

Grade(s): 9-12  

1 Credit

Prerequisite: Latin II

Students learn advanced grammatical concepts and vocabulary. They read stories of increasing length and complexity that pertain to the expansion of the Roman Empire. The study of Greco-Roman culture and English derivatives continues.


Latin IV Honors

Course Code 354000

Course Code 354V00 Hybrid Virtual Distance Learning

Grade(s): 10-12  

1 Credit

Prerequisite: Latin III

This course introduces students to the reading and interpretation of authentic Latin literature. Students learn the basics of Latin poetry including scansion and literary devices. Emphasis is placed upon roman culture, roman history, English derivatives, and Latin grammar relevant to the literary text.

The virtual hybrid version of this course offered by Virtual Distance Learning is predominantly asynchronous with synchronous weekly meetings and follows the regular academic year calendar. 


Latin V Honors

Course Code 355000

Latin V Honors Hybrid Virtual Distance Learning

Course Code 356V06

Grade(s): 10-12  

1 Credit

Prerequisite: Latin IV Honors

Latin V pairs a review of Latin grammar and vocabulary with the reading of authentic passages from various Roman authors in preparation for the AP Latin course. It provides students with the skills necessary to translate the authentic text, read aloud Latin verse in meter, analyze stylistic technique, and interpret the author’s intent through word choice, syntax, and mythological and historical allusions. An exploration of the pertinent history and mythology is also incorporated into this class.


Students continue to broaden vocabulary through the study of English derivatives.

Pending enrollment this course may not be offered, offered concurrently, or offered virtually.


Latin V DE

Course Code 356006

Course Code 356V06 Hybrid Virtual Distance Learning

Grade(s): 10-12  

1 Credit

Prerequisite: Latin IV Honors

Latin V Dual Enrollment pairs a review of Latin grammar and vocabulary with the reading of authentic passages from various Roman authors. It provides students with the skills necessary to translate the authentic text, read aloud Latin verse in meter, analyze stylistic technique, and interpret the author’s intent through word choice, syntax, and mythological and historical allusions. An exploration of the pertinent history and mythology is also incorporated into this class.


Students continue to broaden vocabulary through the study of English derivatives. The Dual Enrollment course awards 6 college credits.

Pending enrollment this course may not be offered, offered concurrently, or offered virtually. The virtual hybrid version of this course offered by Virtual Distance Learning is predominantly asynchronous with synchronous weekly meetings and follows the regular academic year calendar. 

AP Latin

Course Code 359100

Course Code 35910V Hybrid Virtual Distance Learning

Grade(s): 10-12  

1 Credit

Prerequisite: Latin V Honors

This course follows the AP Latin syllabus for Vergil’s Aeneid and Caesar’s Gallic War. Students read and translate as literally as possible all required passages and read selected portions of Aeneid and Gallic War in English.


The course examines the historical, social, cultural, and political context of the works and provides frequent practice in reading Latin at sight. Students are also given frequent opportunities to practice written analysis and critical interpretation, including appropriate references to the use of stylistic and metrical techniques by Vergil and Caesar. Students have the opportunity to take the AP Latin exam in May with the possibility of earning college credit.

Pending enrollment this course may not be offered, offered concurrently, or offered virtually. The virtual hybrid version of this course offered by Virtual Distance Learning is predominantly asynchronous with synchronous weekly meetings and follows the regular academic year calendar. 

Mandarin Chinese I

Course Code 321000

Course Code 396V00 Virtual Loudoun Online

Grade(s): 9-12  

1 Credit

Prerequisite: None

Students are introduced to the Chinese language and culture in this course. The basic objectives are to help each student attain an acceptable degree of proficiency in the four skills of listening, speaking, reading, and writing, and to present the language within the context of the contemporary Chinese culture. Chinese characters are introduced systematically as they are related to the listening/speaking activities conducted.


Mandarin Chinese II

Course Code 331000

Course Code 397V00 Virtual Loudoun Online

Grade(s): 10-12  

1 Credit

Prerequisite: Mandarin Chinese I

Students continue to build proficiency in the Chinese language and expand their understanding of culture in this course. The basic objectives are to help each student continue to develop an acceptable degree of proficiency in the four skills of listening, speaking, reading, and writing, and to thematically present the language within the context of the contemporary Chinese culture. Chinese characters are reviewed and expanded systematically as they are related to the listening/speaking activities conducted.


Mandarin Chinese III

Course code 334000

Grade(s): 11-12  

1 Credit

Prerequisite: Mandarin Chinese II

Students increase proficiency in the basics of Chinese in this course. The objectives of this course are to review and amplify structures previously taught and introduce more advanced vocabulary and structures through the four skills of listening, speaking, reading, and writing, and to present the language within the context of the contemporary Chinese Culture. Chinese characters are reviewed, and more characters introduced systematically as they relate to the listening/speaking activities conducted throughout the course.


Mandarin Chinese IV H

Course code 335000

Grade(s): 11-12  

1 Credit

Prerequisite: Mandarin Chinese III

In Mandarin Chinese IV Honors, students will continue to develop communicative competence in Mandarin Chinese in all language skills in the three communicative modes: listening, speaking, reading, and writing in interpretive, interpersonal and presentational modes. All communication in the classroom is expected to take place in the target language.


Students will focus on language proficiency while dealing with level- and age-appropriate cultural content.


Students will acquire vocabulary and structures that enable them to understand and analyze contextualized materials (advertisement, newspaper, emails, etc.). Students will engage in conversations, readings, composition and research projects. Cultural topics focus on the history of the Chinese language and culture, lifestyle in China and current events.


By the end of the year, students will be able to understand the spoken language in formal settings (lectures, news, etc.) and communicate in casual settings (conversations, dialogues, etc.). Students will be able to describe an event or activity in a cohesive and coherent manner with linguistic accuracy. Students will be able to write with organizational, structural, and cultural appropriateness. This course prepares students for college or beyond high school Chinese programs.

Russian I

Course Code 385000

Grade(s): 9-12 

1 Credit                                                              

Prerequisite: None

Students are introduced to the Russian language and culture in this course. The basic objectives are to help each student attain an acceptable degree of proficiency in the four skills of listening, speaking, reading, and writing, and to present the language within the context of the contemporary Russian culture. Russian characters are introduced systematically as they are related to the listening/speaking activities conducted.

This course is only offered at Heritage HS.


Russian II 

Course Code 386000

Grade(s): 10-12

1 Credit

Prerequisite: Russian I

Students continue to build proficiency in the Russian language and expand their understanding of culture in this course. The basic objectives are to help each student continue to develop an acceptable degree of proficiency in the four skills of listening, speaking, reading, and writing, and to thematically present the language within the context of the contemporary Russian culture. Russian characters are reviewed and expanded systematically as they are related to the listening/speaking activities conducted.

This course is only offered at Heritage HS.


Russian III

Course Code 387000

Grade(s): 11-12

1 Credit

Prerequisite: Russian II

Students increase proficiency in the basics of Russian in this course. The objectives of this course are to review and amplify structures previously taught and introduce more advanced vocabulary and structures through the four skills of listening, speaking, reading, and writing and to present the language within the context of the contemporary Russian culture. Russian characters are reviewed and more characters introduced systematically as they relate to the listening/speaking activities conducted throughout the course.

This course is only offered at Heritage HS.


Russian IV H

Course Code 387800                                                                                                                                         

Grade(s): 11-12 

1 Credit

Prerequisite: Russian III

Russian IV courses prepare students to communicate authentically in Russian by interpreting (reading, listening, viewing), exchanging (speaking and listening; reading and writing), and presenting (speaking, writing) information, concepts, and ideas on a variety of topics, including connections to other subject areas. Russian IV courses promote students’ understanding of the relationships among the products, practices, and perspectives of Russian-speaking countries and cultures.

This course is only offered at Heritage HS.


The Spanish courses that follow are for students who wish to study Spanish as a second language. Spanish for Fluent Speakers is available for native/heritage Spanish speakers.


Spanish I

Course Code 360000

Course Code 36100V Virtual Loudoun Online

Grade(s): 9-12

1 Credit

Prerequisite: None

Students develop the ability to communicate about themselves and their immediate environment in Spanish at the beginner-novice level, producing basic language structures. This communication is evidenced in all four language skills: listening; speaking; reading; and writing. Listening and reading facilitate the ability to communicate orally and in writing.


Spanish II

Course Code 362000

Course Code 36200V Virtual Loudoun Online

Grade(s): 9-12  

1 Credit

Prerequisite: Spanish I

Students continue to develop proficiency in Spanish at the intermediate-novice level in all four language skills: listening; speaking; reading; and writing. Listening and reading facilitate the ability to communicate orally and in writing. Students learn to function in real-life situations using more complex sentences and language structures. They also read material on familiar topics and produce short writing samples.


Spanish III

Course Code 363000

Course Code 36300V Virtual Loudoun Online

Grade(s): 9-12  

1 Credit

Prerequisite: Spanish II

Students continue to develop and refine their proficiency in Spanish at an advanced-novice level, integrating all four language skills: listening; speaking; reading; and writing. Emphasis is placed on the ability to interact orally and in writing.


Students communicate using more complex language structures on a variety of topics, moving from concrete to more abstract concepts. At this level, students comprehend authentic materials to which they listen and read and are able to identify significant details when the topics are familiar.


Spanish IV Honors

Course Code 364000

Grade(s): 10-12  

1 Credit

Prerequisite: Spanish III

Students develop more sophisticated communication skills in Spanish at an intermediate-low level, integrating all four language skills: listening; speaking; reading; and writing. Emphasis is placed on the abilities to interact orally and in writing. Authentic language sources are used at this level.


Students communicate using more complex language structures and express abstract ideas with reasonable fluency. Students are able to create and listen with understanding to reports and presentations in Spanish. They are also able to describe, summarize, and discuss selected AP global themes and topics.


Spanish V Honors

Course Code 365000

Grade(s): 10-12  

1 Credit

Prerequisite: Spanish IV Honors or Spanish for Fluent Speakers III Honors

Students in Spanish V study selected AP global themes and topics using more sophisticated communication at an intermediate-mid level in all four language skills: listening, speaking, reading, and writing. Emphasis is placed on the abilities to interact, persuade, compare, and contrast orally and in writing.


Students also study literary works as well as current and historical events representing the various geographical regions of the world where Spanish is spoken.


Spanish DE

Course Code 363006

Grade(s): 11-12  

1 Credit

Prerequisite: Spanish IV

Students in Spanish DE study selected AP global themes and topics using more sophisticated communication a an intermediate-mid level in all four language skills: listening, speaking, reading and writing. Emphasis is placed on the abilities to interact, persuade, compare, and contract orally and in writing. Students also study literary works as well as current and historical events representing the various geographical regions of the world where Spanish is spoken. This course awards 6 college credits. 


AP Spanish Language and Culture

Course Code 365100

Grade(s): 11-12  

1 Credit

Prerequisite: Spanish V honors

AP Spanish is holistically designed to offer students a proficiency-based, rigorous college-level experience. This culminating course in Spanish increases student potential in interpretive, interpersonal, and presentational modes in the six global course themes: Global Challenges; Personal and Public Identities; Contemporary Life; Science and Technology; Beauty and Aesthetics; and Families and Communities.


Students build greater fluency in their language skills by developing comprehension and comprehensibility, a rich vocabulary, language control, communication strategies, and cultural awareness. Students are expected to communicate cultural awareness. Students are expected to communicate entirely in Spanish as they compare and contrast Spanish cultures with their personal communities and connect their studies with other disciplines in their high school curricula. Students have the opportunity to take the AP Spanish exam in May with the possibility of earning college credit.


AP Spanish Literature and Culture  

Course Code 365200

Grade(s): 11-12  

1 Credit

Prerequisite: Spanish V Honors

The AP Spanish Literature and Culture course uses a thematic approach to introduce students to representative texts (short stories, novels, poetry, and essays) from Peninsular Spanish, Latin American, and United States Hispanic literature. Students develop proficiencies across the full range of communication modes (interpersonal, presentational, and interpretive), thereby honing their critical reading and analytical writing skills. Literature is examined within the context of its time and place, as students reflect on the many voices and cultures present in the required readings. The course also includes a strong focus on cultural connections and comparisons, including exploration of various media (e.g., art, film, articles, literary criticism).

Spanish for Fluent Speakers I

Course Code 367000

Grade(s): 9-12  

1 Credit

Prerequisite: Placement Test

Spanish for Fluent Speakers I is designed to meet the needs of students whose primary language is Spanish and who have minimal or no formal instruction in the language. While developing their current competencies in formal speaking and listening, students focus on the acquisition of comparable competencies in reading and writing. Upon successful completion of the course, students may continue in the Spanish for Fluent Speakers sequence.


Spanish for Fluent Speakers II

Course Code 367300

Grade(s): 9-12  

1 Credit

Prerequisite: Spanish for Fluent Speakers I or Placement Test

Spanish for Fluent Speakers II is designed to increase proficiency in reading and writing of students whose primary language is Spanish. Major grammar points are reviewed and finer points of grammar are studied, placing emphasis on style and structural accuracy. comprehension and communication skills are refined through the reading and discussion of selections written by classic and modern authors in a variety of genres. Upon successful completion of this course, students may continue in the Spanish for Fluent Speakers series.


Spanish for Fluent Speakers III Honors

Course Code 367500

Grade(s): 9-12  

1 Credit

Prerequisite: Spanish for Fluent Speakers II or Placement Test

Spanish for Fluent Speakers III is designed to further refine fluent speakers’ literacy and proficiency skills. Students read from a variety of genres representing numerous Spanish speaking countries. Students discuss current themes and events including world views, global challenges, and students as citizens of a global society. This course prepares students to enroll in AP Spanish. Upon successful completion of this course, the student may continue the sequence in Spanish for Fluent Speakers IV Honors.


Spanish for Fluent Speakers IV Honors

Course Code 367504

Grade(s): 10-12  

1 Credit

Prerequisite: Spanish for Fluent Speakers III or Placement Test

Students in Spanish for Fluent Speakers IV study global themes and topics using more sophisticated communication at an advanced level in all four language skills: listening, speaking, reading and writing. Emphasis is placed on the abilities to interact, persuade, compare, and contrast orally and in writing. Students also study literary works as well as current and historical events representing the various geographical regions of the world where Spanish is spoken.

This course prepares students to enroll in AP Spanish. Upon successful completion of this course, the student may continue in sequence in AP Spanish.