English Learners Course Descriptions

Special programs of instruction are available for students who have been identified as English Learners (EL) in all high schools.


When students enroll in Loudoun County Public Schools they are asked several home language questions on the student registration form. If a language other than English is indicated in any of these responses, an English language proficiency test is administered by a trained assessor. The test helps determine the student’s proficiency level.


Each student’s placement is determined on an individualized basis. Factors that should be considered before determining course placement include, but are not limited to:

• Proficiency Level

• Prior educational experience

• Student transcripts


EL students must meet all graduation requirements in order to earn a diploma. In some cases, high school age students who possess little or no English skills or who have limited or no prior education may need more than four years to complete the credits and testing needed for graduation from high school. In these instances, age waiver requests for students 20 years or older before August 1st of the school year must be submitted by the high school principal to the Assistant Superintendent of Pupil Services for approval.

EL English I

Course Code 394110

Grade(s): 9 – 12

Proficiency 1.0 – 1.7

1 Elective Credit or 1 World Language Credit 

This class is only intended to be taken in the first year of enrollment as an EL student. 

Multilingual learners are exposed to learning experiences that support phonemic awareness, phonics, fluency, vocabulary, text comprehension, and writing instruction while supporting language acquisition. Literacy and language are acquired through a variety of learning experiences that address the Interpretative (listening, reading, and viewing) and Expressive (speaking, writing, and representing) Communication Modes of the WIDA ELD Standards.


EL English II

Course Code 394210

Grade(s): 9 – 12

Proficiency 1.8 – 2.3

1 Credit 

This course can be taken concurrently with a grade-level class. The course is  for Multilingual Learners who do not have limited or interrupted formal education, but may benefit from additional, intensive, English language oral and literacy instruction.

Multilingual learners are exposed to learning experiences that support vocabulary development, reading comprehension and writing to intensify language acquisition. Students are presented with intervention programs such as Read180 to develop grade- level literacy skills.

Literacy I

Course Code 190011

Grade(s): 9 – 12

1 Credit

Elective This course is taken simultaneously with EL English I.

Multilingual learners receive explicit literacy instruction with an emphasis on phonics and phonological awareness. The literacy intervention program R180 is utilized to provide personalized instruction in a small group setting. Multilingual Learners develop reading comprehension skills in various genres, in addition to building phonics, phonemic awareness, fluency, and vocabulary skills.

Literacy II

Course Code 190012

Grade(s): 9 – 12

1 Credit

Elective This course can be concurrently taken with a grade level English class or EL English II.

Multilingual learners are exposed to higher level learning experiences that support vocabulary instruction, reading comprehension, while incorporating writing skills to intensify language development. Multilingual Learners are presented with reading intervention programs to develop grade level reading skills.

Pre EL Math

Course Code 588210

Grade(s): 9 – 12

1 Credit

This course is only appropriate for students with limited or interrupted schooling, who are in need of foundational math skills, and who have not earned credit in any secondary level math courses. 

Multilingual students are exposed to the language of mathematics as well as fundamental basic and conceptual math skills to build understanding of key concepts associated with newcomer EL Mathematics Concepts and Algebra I.


EL Math

Course Code 588310

Grade(s): 9 – 12

1 Credit

This course is for students with limited or interrupted schooling, who are in need of foundational math skills, and who have not earned credit in any secondary level math courses. 

Multilingual learners are exposed to the language of mathematics along with key concepts of the grade-level curricula prior to Algebra I or Geometry.


EL Science

Course Code 650510

Grade(s): 9 – 12

1 Credit

This course is for Multilingual Learners who are at lower levels of English proficiency, have  limited or interrupted formal education and have not earned credit in any secondary level science courses. This course should be taken in the first year of enrollment.

Multilingual learners are exposed to the language of science along with key concepts of the grade-level science curricula, including general theory, biology, earth science, and physical science. 

EL Social Science

Course Code 770310

Grade(s): 9 – 12

1 Credit

This course is for Multilingual Learners who are at lower levels of English proficiency, have limited or interrupted formal education and have not earned credit in any secondary level social science courses. This course should be taken in the first year of enrollment.

Multilingual learners are exposed to the language of social sciences along with key concepts of the grade-level social studies curricula, to include World History, World Geography, United States History, Virginia History, and United States Government.