Fine Arts Course Descriptions

Art Courses

Studio Art I

Course Code 240000

Grade(s): 9-12  

Prerequisite: None

1 Credit

Elective Explore innovative ideas, materials, and techniques through artmaking. Build on middle school art experiences by practicing new skills. Engage in the creative process through critical thinking and authentic problem solving to create, present, respond and connect with your own art and the art of others. Work with a range of two dimensional and three-dimensional media including drawing painting, printmaking, sculpture, ceramics, photography, and computer graphics. Participate in discussions focused on art history, criticism and aesthetics and connect visual art concepts with other disciplines. Compile a working assessment portfolio.


Studio Art II 

Course Code 241000

Grade(s): 10-12  

Prerequisite: Art I

1 Credit

Elective Expand skills, techniques and concepts acquired in Art 1 using a variety of two dimensional and three-dimensional media. Generate original ideas for art production inspired by real world experiences. Engage in the artistic process by making choices in creating, presenting, and responding to your own art and the art of others. Develop a personal style in art making based on the study of art history, criticism and aesthetics. Explore connections between visual art concepts and those in other disciplines. Review, refine and continue to build a working assessment portfolio.


Studio Art III

Course Code 242000

Grade(s): 11-12  

Prerequisite: Art II or Art I and 2 semester courses

1 Credit

Elective Initiate and design individual art making challenges to fulfill desired outcomes for artworks. Investigate a range of contemporary issues to inform idea development. Employ current technologies, select media, tools and processes for intended purposes and practice innovative techniques to refine and enhance personal style. Apply critical thinking and make judgments regarding personal artworks and the works of others. Continue compiling a working assessment portfolio and select artworks for a presentation portfolio based on self-determined criteria. Consult with the instructor regarding requirements for an AP studio art portfolio.


Studio Art IV Honors

Course Code 244000

Grade(s): 12  

Prerequisite: Art III

1 Credit

Elective Assume responsibility for the establishment of personal goals for communication and creative expression in art making. Employ current technologies and communication tools to build a resource file for idea generation. Investigate and discriminate among multiple issues and resources to inform art content. Innovate in the use of select media, tools and processes for intended purposes. Refine personal style in a consistent manner to convey complex ideas. Organize and complete a presentation portfolio based on self-determined criteria. Participate in discussions related to careers in visual art.

Survey of Art and Architecture History I

Course Code 247700

Grade(s): 9-12  

Prerequisite: None

0.5 Credit

Elective Survey the history and impact of art and architecture on society from pre-historic times through the early Renaissance. Participate in investigations and discussions on the relationship among social, scientific and philosophical developments in past societies. Focus on the art and architecture produced during these time periods. Make choices, conduct research and engage in studio art processes to prepare presentations on related topics.


Survey of Art and Architecture History II

Course Code 248700

Grade(s): 9-12  

Prerequisite: Survey of Art and Architecture I

0.5 Credit

Elective Survey the history and impact of art and architecture on society from the late Renaissance into the 21st Century. Compare and contrast contemporary societies with those of the past in terms of economic, social, scientific and philosophical factors. Focus on the art and architecture produced among diverse cultures. Make choices, conduct research and engage in studio art processes to prepare presentations on related topics.


Computer Graphic Design

Course Code 232700 (One Semester); 233000 (Full Year)

Grade(s): 10-12

Prerequisite: Art I

0.5 Credit (One Semester); 1 Credit (Full Year)

Elective Explore and differentiate between the commercial and fine art applications of graphic design. Employ design thinking to convey visual concepts in creative ways. Develop skills and techniques in the use of current computer software and discover ways to inspire, inform, and captivate viewers and potential consumers. Practice digital media approaches to visual communication through image manipulation, illustration, layout and product design. Prepare a portfolio of completed work.

Course offering options:

• Full year in-depth Computer Graphic Design

• Semester introduction to Computer Graphic Design



Course Code 245000

Grade(s): 10-12  

Prerequisite: Art I

0.5 Credit

Elective Explore the challenges of creating three-dimensional artworks with clay. Discover the properties and capabilities of the material starting with raw clay and working through the firing process. Practice and apply hand building and wheel throwing techniques to form functional and decorative objects. Become familiar with traditional and non-traditional finishing applications including incising, impressing, glazing, and painting. Conceive and produce innovative ceramic art works. Compile a portfolio to include examples of product development ideas and images of final works.

Drawing and Painting

Course Code 231700 (One Semester); 231100 (Full Year)

Grade(s): 10-12

Prerequisite: Art I

0.5 Credit One Semester, 1 Credit Full Year

Elective Investigate and record the world through observation, imagination and memory. Practice and apply traditional and non-traditional drawing and painting techniques using a variety of media. Conceive original ideas and innovate approaches to express meaning in drawings and paintings. Participate in critiques and discussions of personal artworks and the works of recognized artists to inform future artmaking. Maintain a sketchbook/journal to record progress, capture reflective thoughts and generate new ideas for artworks.

Course offering options:

• Full year in-depth Drawing & Painting

• Semester introduction to Drawing & Painting



Course Code 245700 (One Semester) 

Grade(s): 10-12  

Prerequisite: Art I

0.5 Credit  

Elective Experience approaches to analog and digital photography. Explore the functions of a 35mm single lens reflex camera and work with the chemistry of film and print development. Engage in digital photography to include camera use, image capture, enhancement and manipulation using Adobe Photoshop. Follow compositional guidelines in photographing and producing images. Participate in critiques and discussions regarding quality, aesthetics, content and meaning in finished photographs. Survey the history of photography to inform personal approaches to the process. Compile a portfolio of completed photographs.

Beginning Photography course offering options:

• Introduction to Photography - Semester introduction to darkroom and/or digital

• Photography I - Full year in-depth darkroom and/or digital

Photography I

Course Code 245600

Grade(s): 10-12

Prerequisite: Art I

1 Credit

Elective Experience approaches to analog and digital photography. Explore the functions of a 35mm single lens reflex camera and work with the chemistry of film and print development. Engage in digital photography to include camera use, image capture, enhancement and manipulation using Adobe Photoshop. Follow compositional guidelines in photographing and producing images. Participate in critiques and discussions regarding quality, aesthetics, content and meaning in finished photographs. Survey the history of photography to inform personal approaches to the process. Compile a portfolio of completed photographs.

Beginning Photography course offering options:

• Introduction to Photography - Semester introduction to darkroom and/or digital

• Photography I - Full year in-depth darkroom and/or digital

Photography II

Course Code 245800

Grade(s): 10-12

Prerequisite: Photography I, full year

1 Credit

Elective Refine and master technical skills as well as experiment with alternative approaches and materials to compose unique analog and digital photographs. Expand abilities to create meaningful visual statesments with an emphasis on persnal creative expression. Engage in critiques of photographic images, works of other students, and those by professional photographers for the purpose of reflecting on and refining work through self-assessment. Develop and maintain a portfolio for evaluation and exhbition that demonstrates quality, shows breadth of formal, technical, and expressive experiences. 


Course Code 244700 (One Semester), 247000 (Full Year)

Grade(s): 10-12  

Prerequisite: Art I

0.5 Credit One Semester, 1 Credit Full Year

Elective Experience working in the third dimension by developing skills and techniques in the manipulation of sculpture tools and materials. Conceive original ideas and innovate to solve artistic problems in the formation and construction of meaningful sculptures. Participate in reviews and discussions of recognized sculptors to inform the creative process. Choose among traditional and non-traditional materials and vary techniques to match desired outcomes. Follow guidelines to produce well crafted, stabile sculptures. Compile a portfolio to include plans and documentation of final sculptures.


AP Drawing

Course Code 247100

Grade(s): 12  

Prerequisite: Art III

1 Credit

Elective Investigate formal and conceptual issues related to visual art in a creative and systematic way. Develop and enhance personal skills and techniques over time. Make informed, critical decisions based on research and desired outcomes for artworks. Employ visual elements to support and express content. Invent original approaches to studio practices and produce meaningful artworks that speak to contemporary cultural and societal issues. Compile and submit a portfolio based on College Board guidelines: Section I. Sustained Investigation – select works that demonstrate investigation and process of discovery and revision; Section II: Selected Works – select works and writing that best exhibit a syntheses of materials, processes, and ideas.


AP 2D Art and Design

Course Code 248100

Grade(s): 12  

Prerequisite: Art III

1 Credit

Elective Investigate formal and conceptual issues related to visual art in a creative and systematic way. Develop and enhance personal skills and techniques over time. Make informed, critical decisions based on research and desired outcomes for artworks. Employ two-dimensional visual elements to support and express content through a variety of media. Invent original approaches to studio practices and produce meaningful artworks that speak to contemporary cultural and societal issues. Compile and submit a portfolio based on College Board guidelines:

Section I. Sustained Investigation – select works that demonstrate investigation and process of discovery and revision;

Section II: Selected Works – select works and writing that best exhibit a synthesis of materials, processes, and ideas.


AP 3D Art and Design

Course Code 249200

Grade(s): 12  

Prerequisite: Art III

1 Credit

Elective Investigate formal and conceptual issues related to visual art in a creative and systematic way. Develop and enhance personal skills and techniques over time. Make informed, critical decisions based on research and desired outcomes for artworks. Employ three-dimensional visual elements to support and express content through a variety of media. Invent original approaches to studio practices and produce meaningful artworks that speak to contemporary cultural and societal issues. Compile and submit a portfolio based on College Board guidelines:

Section I. Sustained Investigation – select works that demonstrate investigation and process of discovery and revision;

Section II: Selected Works – select works and writing that best exhibit a synthesis of materials, processes, and ideas.

Music Courses

Music Appreciation

Course Code 260000

Grade(s): 9-12  

Prerequisite: None

1 Credit

Elective Exploring the impact of music throughout the ages helps students become informed consumers and culturally aware participants in the 21st century. Students explore music in a wide variety of musical styles and time periods in this course. They will explore the relationship of music to art, architecture, and history, as well as the use of music technology in today’s music. A lively curiosity and an interest in exploring the power of music are the only prerequisites for this class.


Music Appreciation DE

Course Code 262206

Grade(s): 11-12  

Prerequisite: None

1 Credit

Elective Participants in the course will be given the tools to develop a meaningful, engaging and deeper understanding of music. The course will concentrate on the development of an attentive style of listening, the introduction and systematic study of the building blocks of music and will enhance awareness of the main musical styles of selected western and non-western cultures. This course awards 3 college credits. 


Music Theory/History

Course Code 262000

Grade(s): 9-12  

Prerequisite: None

1 Credit

Elective The ability to understand and converse in the language of written music is the key to gaining a deeper understanding of the music that surrounds people. Students develop their keyboard skills through original musical compositions, build critical thinking skills, and compare musical examples. This course is recommended for students planning to pursue music in college and for the joy of creation to anyone who loves music. No performance is required.


AP Music Theory

Course Code 262100

Grade(s): 9-12  

Prerequisite: Successful completion of Music Theory/History and/or teacher recommendation

1 Credit

Elective Students in Advanced Placement Music Theory learn to recognize, understand, analyze and describe elements of music theory through composition, aural skills (ear-training, dictation, and sight-singing), notation terminology, and score analysis. Students in AP Music Theory are highly encouraged to be active in some form of music performance or composition. Students have the opportunity to take the AP Music Theory exam in May with the possibility of earning college credit.


Instrumental Methods

Course Code 270000

Grade(s): 9-12

Prerequisite: Teacher Recommendation/Audition

1 Credit

Instrumental Methods Honors

Course Code 271000

Grade(s): 9-12  

Prerequisite: Teacher Recommendation/Audition

1 Credit

Elective Students develop fundamental playing skills on musical instruments in a supportive environment in the Instrumental Methods class. They receive special coaching in the areas of tone production, music reading, fingerings, and playing in an ensemble. Public performances are not stressed, but a concert may be planned at the teacher’s discretion.


Concert Band I

Course Code 272000

Grade(s): 9-12  

Prerequisite: Teacher Recommendation/Audition

1 Credit

Concert Band I H

Course Code 272100

Grade(s): 9-12

Prerequisite: Teacher Recommendation/Audition and enrollment in Concert Band I

1 Credit

Elective This performance-oriented band participates in concert appearances and Virginia Music Education Association events. Students continue the in-depth mastery of basic fundamentals of music while preparing pieces for performances. Students provide their own instruments through rental or purchase. As a co-curricular ensemble, performances and rehearsals outside regular school hours are required.


Concert Band II

Course Code 274000

Grade(s): 9-12  

Prerequisite: Teacher Recommendation/Audition

1 Credit

Concert Band II H

Course Code 274100

Grade(s): 9-12  

Prerequisite: Teacher Recommendation/Audition 

1 Credit

Elective Students in this class expand their knowledge and skills of instrumental techniques, tone production, musical interpretation, and ensemble/solo performance to an advanced level. Concert Band II is a performance-oriented class, and students are active in numerous concerts and events. Students provide their own instruments through rental or purchase. As a co-curricular ensemble, performances and rehearsals outside regular school hours are a requirement.


Concert Band III

Course Code 275000

Grade(s): 9-12  

Prerequisite: Teacher Recommendation/Audition

1 Credit


Concert Band III H

Course Code 275300

Grade(s): 9-12  

Prerequisite: Teacher Recommendation/Audition 

1 Credit

Elective Emphasis is placed on the sequential development of advanced technical skills and on the study of related literature.  Musicianship requirements will include advanced knowledge of scale fundamentals, interpretation skills, good tone production and advanced instrumental techniques.  Students will be expected to expand their skills and knowledge of instrumental techniques, tone production, musical interpretation, and ensemble/solo performance.  This ensemble is performance oriented and will be active in concert appearances, county events, and Virginia Music Educators Association events.  Marching band techniques, rehearsals, and performances may be included in this course.  As a co-curricular ensemble, performances and rehearsals outside regular school hours are a requirement.

Concert Band IV H

Course Code 275500

Grade(s): 10-12

Prerequisite: Teacher Recommendation/Audition

1 Credit

Elective The rigor of this band class would be increased by participation in the following activities:  SOL HIAR.18 - Students will demonstrate musicianship and personal engagements by participating in curricular and co-curricular events: 1)  Marching band - 5 additional assessments. 290 hours of rehearsals, assessments and community support. 2)  Participation in district and regional events. SOL HIAR.14 - The student will read and interpret standard music notation while performing music of vary styles and levels of difficulty, in accordance with VBODA Levels 5 and 6.

Orchestra I

Course Code 247001

Grade(s): 9-12

Orchestra I Honors

Course Code 247002

Prerequisite: Teacher Recommendation/Audition

1 Credit

Elective. This performance-oriented orchestra ensemble participates in concert appearances and Virginia Music Education Association events. Students continue the in-depth mastery of basic fundamentals of music while preparing pieces for performances. Students provide their own instruments through rental or purchase. As a co-curricular ensemble, performances and rehearsals outside regular school hours are required.

Orchestra II

Course Code 247003

Orchestra II Honors

Course Code 247004

Grade(s): 9-12  

Prerequisite: Teacher Recommendation/Audition

1 Credit

Elective Students in Orchestra II course continue to develop proper tone production, style, playing technique, and appropriate ensemble skills while preparing musical selections for performance. Students provide their own instruments through rental or purchase. As a co-curricular ensemble, performances and rehearsals outside regular school hours are a requirement.

Orchestra III

Course Code 247005

Grade(s): 9-12  

Prerequisite: Teacher Recommendation/Audition

1 Credit

Orchestra III Honors

Course Code 247006

Grade(s): 9-12  

Prerequisite: Teacher Recommendation/Audition

1 Credit

Elective Technical and expressive skills increase in difficulty as students demonstrate mastery of a variety of articulations, bowings, positions, required scales, and arpeggios. Students at the Orchestra III level perform, discuss, and critically evaluate characteristics of more elaborate musical compositions. This is a performance-oriented class, and students are active in numerous concerts and events. Students provide their own instruments through rental or purchase. As a co-curricular ensemble, performances and rehearsals outside regular school hours are a requirement.


Orchestra IV

Course Code 247407

Grade(s): 9-12  

Prerequisite: Teacher Recommendation/Audition

1 Credit

Orchestra IV Honors

Course Code 247008

Grade(s): 9-12  

Prerequisite: Teacher Recommendation/Audition

1 Credit

Elective Students who perform at the Orchestra IV level should demonstrate exceptional skill level and be able to perform, discuss, analyze, and critically evaluate characteristics of more elaborate music compositions from a variety of styles, cultures, and historical periods. Students provide their own instruments through rental or purchase. The ensemble is performance-oriented and students are active in concert appearances and county, regional, and state events. As a co-curricular ensemble, performances and rehearsals outside regular school hours are a requirement.

Jazz Ensemble

Course Code 276000

Grade(s): 9-12  

Prerequisite: Teacher Recommendation/Audition

1 Credit

Jazz Ensemble H

Course Code 276100

Grade(s): 9-12  

Prerequisite: Teacher Recommendation/Audition

1 Credit

Elective The basic fundamentals of jazz (theory, interpretation, improvisation, and other techniques) are covered in this performance-oriented class. Students provide their own instruments through rental or purchase. As a co-curricular ensemble, performances and rehearsals outside regular school hours are a requirement.

Beginning Guitar

Course Code 293000

Grade(s): 9-12  

Prerequisite: None

1 Credit

Elective This class is open to students with no previous musical experience. The purpose of this course is to prepare students for a lifetime of guitar playing and music appreciation. Topics include standard musical notation, knowledge of the fretboard through fifth position, introduction to left- and right-handed techniques, including fingerstyle and pick technique, fundamentals of music, chords, basic song accompaniment, music history, listening, and understanding of guitar terminology. The class also includes solo and ensemble literature. A variety of musical styles are explored. Students must supply a standard nylon string classical guitar.


Intermediate Guitar

Course Code 294000

Grade(s): 9-12  

Prerequisite: Successful completion of Beginning Guitar, Audition, or Teacher Recommendation

1 Credit

Elective This class is open to students who have completed the LCPS guitar program in middle school or have successfully completed the Beginning Guitar class at the high school level. Students who do not meet these prerequisites may be accepted by audition. The purpose of this course is to prepare students for a lifetime of guitar playing and music appreciation. Topics include completion of the fingerboard, refinement of right- and left-handed technique, advanced chord forms, scales, improvisation, and solo and ensemble repertoire. A variety of musical styles are explored. The ensemble is performance-oriented and is involved in concert appearances and county events. As a co-curricular ensemble, performances and rehearsals outside regular school hours are a requirement. Students must supply a standard nylon string classical guitar.


Advanced Guitar

Course Code 295000

Grade(s): 9-12   

Prerequisite: Successful completion of Intermediate Guitar, Audition, or Teacher Recommendation

1 Credit

Advanced Guitar H

Course Code 295100

Grade(s): 9-12  

Prerequisite: Teacher Recommendation/Audition and enrollment in Advanced Guitar

1 Credit

Elective This class is open to students who have completed Intermediate Guitar. Students who have not completed Intermediate Guitar may be accepted by audition. The purpose of this course is to prepare students for a lifetime of guitar playing and music appreciation. Topics include mastery of the fingerboard, refinement of right- and left-handed technique, advanced chord forms, scales, improvisation, and advanced solo and ensemble repertoire. A variety of musical styles are explored. The ensemble is performance-oriented and is involved in concert appearances and county events. As a co-curricular ensemble, performances and rehearsals outside regular school hours are a requirement. Students must supply a standard nylon string classical guitar.

Artist Guitar

Course Code 296000

Grade(s): 9-12  

Prerequisite: Successful completion of Advanced Guitar, Audition, or Teacher Recommendation

1 Credit

Artist Guitar H

Course Code 296100

Grade(s): 9-12  

Prerequisite: Teacher Recommendation/Audition and enrollment in Artist Guitar

1 Credit

Elective Students who perform at the Artist level have built upon and mastered the previous sill levels of Beginning, Intermediate, and Advanced Guitar. Artist Guitar students perform, discuss, analyze, and critically evaluate characteristics of more elaborate music compositions from a variety of styles. The ensemble is performance-oriented and is involved in concert appearances and county events. As a co-curricular ensemble, performances and rehearsals outside regular school hours are a requirement. Students must supply a standard nylon string classical guitar.


Mixed Chorus

Course Code 280000

Grade(s): 9-12  

Prerequisite: None

1 Credit

Elective Mixed Chorus provides a singing experience for students who have no background in choral music. Through participation in performances, students build self-confidence and the concept of teamwork. Basic vocal technique, music literacy and sight singing are components of this class. Students will develop choral literacy by singing a wide variety of choral literature that is both sacred and secular. As a co-curricular ensemble, performances and rehearsals outside regular school hours are a requirement.


Small Vocal Ensemble

Course Code 278000

Grade(s): 9-12  

Prerequisite: Audition

1 Credit

Small Vocal Ensemble H

Course Code 278100

Grade(s): 9-12  

Prerequisite: Teacher Recommendation/Audition and enrollment in Small Vocal Ensemble

1 Credit

Elective The Small Vocal Ensemble offers unique opportunities for highly motivated and dedicated singers who can perform at a high level of proficiency. Students receive specialized coaching in singing techniques and perform music in a wide variety of styles. Music literacy and sight singing are components of this class. Students will develop choral literacy by singing literature that is sacred and secular. Participation in ensemble performances is required. As a cocurricular ensemble, performances and rehearsals outside regular school hours are a requirement.


Advanced Mixed Chorus

Course Code 282000

Grade(s): 9-12  

Prerequisite: Audition

1 Credit

Advanced Mixed Chorus H

Course Code 282100

Grade(s): 9-12  

Prerequisite: Teacher Recommendation/Audition and enrollment in Advanced Mixed Chorus

1 Credit

Elective Advanced Chorus is a select group of highly motivated and committed students who are seeking a more intense performance experience. Members of this group will continue to build their individual skills by performing in a variety of settings. Students will develop choral literacy by singing a wide variety of choral literature that is both sacred and secular. Music literacy and sight singing are components of this class. As a co-curricular ensemble, performances and rehearsals outside regular school hours are a requirement.


Advanced Bass Chorus

Course Code 284000

Grade(s): 9-12  

Prerequisite: Audition

1 Credit

Advanced Bass Chorus H

Course Code 284100

Grade(s): 9-12  

Prerequisite: Teacher Recommendation/Audition and enrollment in Advanced Bass Chorus 1 Credit

Auditioned Advanced Bass Chorus is a select group of singers who have the opportunity to perform three and four-part music written for the tenor and bass voices. Members of this group continue to build their vocal skills by performing in a variety of settings. Music literacy and sight singing are components of this class. Students will develop choral literacy by singing a wide variety of choral literature that is both sacred and secular. As a co-curricular ensemble, performances and rehearsals outside regular school hours are a requirement.

Advanced Treble Chorus

Course Code 286000

Grade(s): 9-12  

Prerequisite: Audition

1 Credit

Advanced Treble Chorus H

Course Code 286100

Grade(s): 9-12  

Prerequisite: Teacher Recommendation/Audition and enrollment in Advanced Treble Chorus 

1 Credit

Elective Auditioned Advanced Treble Chorus is a select group of singers who have the opportunity to perform three and four-part music written for the soprano and alto voices. Members of this group continue to build their vocal skills by performing in a variety of settings. Music literacy and sight singing are components of this class. Students will develop choral literacy by singing a wide variety of choral literature that is both sacred and secular. As a co-curricular ensemble, performances and rehearsals outside regular school hours are a requirement.


Bass Chorus

Course Code 284001

Grade(s): 9-12  

Prerequisite: None

1 Credit

Elective Students with lower voices (tenor and bass) who have no prior singing experience have the opportunity to participate in Bass Chorus. Through participation in performances, students build self-confidence and the concept of teamwork. Basic vocal technique, music literacy and sight singing are components of this class. Students will develop choral literacy by singing a wide variety of choral literature that is both sacred and secular. As a co-curricular ensemble, performances and rehearsals outside regular school hours are a requirement.


Treble Chorus

Course Code 286001

Grade(s): 9-12  

Prerequisite: None

1 Credit

Elective Students with higher voices (soprano and alto) who have no prior singing experience have the opportunity to participate in Treble Chorus. Through participation in performances, students build self-confidence and the concept of teamwork. Basic vocal technique, music literacy and sight singing are components of this class. Students will develop choral literacy by singing a wide variety of choral literature that is both sacred and secular. As a co-curricular ensemble, performances and rehearsals outside regular school hours are a requirement.

Theatre Arts Courses

Theater Arts I

Course Code 250000

Grade(s): 9-12  

Prerequisite: None

1 Credit

Elective Students survey the technical and performing art of theater. They are exposed to the major elements of theater and gain knowledge of its principles through study and practice in both performance and production. Representative units of study include improvisation, mime, basic acting, the history of the theater, stage settings, costuming, make-up, and lighting.


Theater Arts II

Course Code 251000

Grade(s): 10-12  

Prerequisite: Theater Arts I, or by audition/interview

1 Credit

Elective More than a continuation of Theater Arts I, Theater Arts II is an in-depth study of areas covered only briefly in the first year and an introduction to new areas. The basic course is built on a cluster of required units that stress direction, design, and acting. Required units are augmented or new units added to accommodate students’ abilities and experiences.


Theater Arts III

Course Code 252000

Grade(s): 11-12  

Prerequisite: Theater Arts II, or by audition/interview

1 Credit

Theater Arts III H

Course Code 252100

Grade(s): 11-12  

Prerequisite: Theater Arts II, or by audition/interview

1 Credit

Elective Designed for students with high interest and motivation for study in the theater arts while increasing their understanding of the entire realm of theater, the course provides the students with the opportunity to put theory into practice through major projects in directing, acting, and design.


Theater Arts IV

Course Code 253000

Grade(s): 12  

Prerequisite: Theater Arts III, or by audition/interview

1 Credit

Theater Arts IV H

Course Code 253100

Grade(s): 12  

Prerequisite: Theater Arts III, or by audition/interview

1 Credit

Elective Designed for students with intense interest in theater arts at professional and/or collegiate levels, Theater Arts IV students also complete independent projects specifically suited to individual strengths. Although students have the opportunity to perform certain independent projects, they are expected to perform in group projects and activities in a leadership capacity.

Costume/Makeup Design

Course Code 253400

Grade(s): 9-12

Prerequisite: None

Elective Theater Studies: Costume, Hair, and Makeup focuses on the theory and application of costume design, construction, wig care and styling, and two-dimensional and three-dimensional makeup for the stage. In the course students will be given oopportunities to create, design, and execute wig styling, costuming and makeup design. Participation in this course is designed to train both the actor/performer and the Technical Design and Production student. The goal of the course is to give students a working knowledge of procedures, materials, techniques, principles of characterization through makeup and costumes and real-world skills. 

This course may not be offered at all schools.

Film Studies Production

Course Code 248400

Grade(s): 10-12

Prerequisite: None

Elective This course examines the intersections of video and performance art. Course participants will be challenged to make artworks that respond to video technology's most fundamental property: its ability to reproduce a stream of real-time synchronized images and sounds. In the first half of the course, students will study, examine and reflect on the history of film and television through critical analysis. The second half of the course will concentrate on the use of film production skills (camera, sound, lights and screenwriting) for further study and analysis which culminates in a short multi-media project.

Technical Theater Design/Production I

Course Code 254100

Grade(s): 9-12  

Prerequisite: None

1 Credit

Elective The course is an exploration of technical design and production within the entertainment industry, specifically theater. Students in this course will have the opportunity to explore 21st-century global citizen skills and real-world applications of technical theatre skills, including scenic design, scenic construction, scenic painting, lighting design, props design and management, special effects, sound design, makeup, and hair design, costume design, and careers in the entertainment industry. This is an introductory course with a hands-on in-class lab component and an opportunity to create for the school’s theatre program. This course helps students build their academic portfolios and resume building. Students begin to explore skills in Engineering, Drafting, Construction Management, Interior Design, Fashion Design, & Technical Theatre through tangible experiences in the arts. **No requirement to participate in the after-school program. All lab hours are completed in the course. 

Technical Theater Design/Production II 

Course Code 254000

Grade(s): 10-12  

Prerequisite: Technical Theater Design/Production I

This course can be retaken for credit

Technical Theater Design/Production II H

Course Code 254200

Grade(s): 10-12  

Prerequisite: Technical Theater Design/Production I

This course can be retaken for credit

1 Credit

Elective This course will build off of the introductory skills learned in Technical Theatre Design and Production 1. This also fulfills the graduation requirement for successive electives when taken after Technical Theatre Design and Production 1. Students will take on a more active role with leadership opportunities in the course. Students will move from cursory knowledge to advanced application of design and production and advanced knowledge in technical career opportunities in the entertainment industry. This course helps students build their academic portfolio and resume and fosters real-world applications for students interested in Engineering, Drafting, Construction Management, Interior Design, Fashion Design, Technical Theatre, and Arts Administration. ***No requirement to participate in the after-school program. All lab hours are completed in the course. 

Drama Projects: Musical Theatre

Course Code 257000

Grade(s): 10-12  

Prerequisite: Theater Arts I, Teacher Recommendation/Audition and may require concurrent enrollment in another Fine Arts Course

Drama Projects: Musical Theatre H

Course Code 257100

Grade(s): 10-12  

Prerequisite: Theater Arts I, Teacher Recommendation/Audition and may require concurrent enrollment in another Fine Arts Course

Elective In Drama Projects (Musical Theatre), students will intensify their study of all styles of theatre with a central focus on musical theatre. Great emphasis will be placed on developing one's audition skills and students will be expected to participate in a rigorous audition process in a variety of styles as part of the course. Rehearsal and Performance will be used to explore musical theatre in a studio workshop setting. Students will study the work of the actor/singer/dancer and use their gained knowledge to develop as performers. There will be a concentration on vocal methods and music, including vocal technique and sight-singing. Additionally, students will study different styles of movement and dance including modern, jazz and contemporary.

This course may not be offered at all schools.


Introduction to Theatre Arts DE

Course Code 258006

Grade(s): 11-12  

Prerequisite: None

1 Credit

Elective Surveys the principles of drama, the development of theatre production, acting styles, performance and selected plays to acquaint the student with various types of theatrical presentations. Further study of the playwright, actor, director and designers aims to increase the knowledge and enjoyment of theatre. Study of theatre arts will focus on process, rehearsal, performance and organization from text to production.

This course may not be offered at all schools.

Theatre History/Literature and Performance DE

Course Code 256006

Grade(s): 11-12  

Prerequisite: Intro to Theatre Arts DE

1 Credit

Elective Analyzes and studies all aspects of theatre history. Topics of study include acting, acting styles, primitive tribal ritual, Greek theatre, Medieval drama, Commedia del Art, Elizabethan theatre, French theatre, German theatre, and modern theatre. Great emphasis will be placed on understanding the dramatic literature, staging, directing and acting of each period of history. Production methods will be explored to understand the relationship of theatre history to cultural and societal influences. This course awards 3 college credits. 

This course may not be offered at all schools.


Theatre Stagecraft, Production, and Design DE

Course Code 259007

Grade(s): 11-12  

Prerequisite: Technical Theatre

1 Credit

Elective In this course, students will participate in a diverse array of project-based learning experiences by creating a real-world working environment of a theatre. The system will ask students to become scenic designers by demonstrating skills in advanced knowledge of stagecraft (scenic and prop design) and its real-world application using CAD drawings, 3D CAD drawings, rendering, model building, advanced construction, and construction management technologies, and understanding of OSHA and PPE applications. Students will also demonstrate advanced knowledge in lighting design by creating and coding live theatrical events in lighting consoles, creating comprehensive reparatory plots for the school events, and designing through color, texture, and time live theatrical events. This course awards 1 college credit. This course will not be offered at all high schools. **This course requires 80 additional hours of lab time outside of the classroom. **There are also opportunities through NOCTI for technical industry certifications. 

This course may not be offered at all schools