Health and Medical Sciences Academy

The Health and Medical Sciences (HAMSci) Academy is designed to expand learning opportunities for students in health science literacy through a curriculum centered on deeper learning that develops critical skills and competencies geared toward the healthcare field. This specialized curriculum paired with industry credentials and work-based learning experiences prepares students for in-demand highly skilled healthcare workforce careers. 

The goal of HAMSci is to expand opportunities for multiple, accessible pathways to success through diverse programming through the implementation of a Health and Medical Sciences Academy. 

The two host sites for the HAMSci Academy are Briar Woods High School and Tuscarora High School. 

HAMSci will:

There are two potential pathways in the HAMSci Academy, both of which are four-year programs starting in 9th Grade. First, is a purely Biomedical Sciences Pathway which will entail a rigorous, deeper learning-centered curriculum with four years of specialized classes in the Biomedical Sciences. The second pathway, also rooted in a rigorous, deeper learning-based curriculum, blends two years of Biomedical Sciences and two years of specialized Language of Medicine classes, which offers insight into administrative and management practices.

For more information about the Health & Medical Sciences Academy visit our website at