Before 2018-2019

Student Selected Verified Credit

This requirement is for students who entered grade 9 prior to 2018-2019. Students will identify a first-choice student-selected test. If the student fails the test they will remediate then retest before moving onto their second choice. If the student fails the second-choice test, they will remediate and retest. If time remains in the testing window the student may identify a third choice and test.


A complete list of VDOE approved exams accepted for a verified credit can be found here: VDOE Website

Other Graduation Certificates and Diplomas

Certificate of Program Completion

Available to students who complete prescribed programs of studies defined by a local school

board but who do not qualify for diplomas.



Currently, the only Virginia board-approved HSE examination in Virginia is the General Educational Development (GED) test, which was developed to enable persons who have not graduated from high school to demonstrate the attainment of abilities normally associated with completion of a high school program of study.